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​399. Baak, J.E., Hanifen, K., Maddox, M.L., Mallory, M.L., Elliott, K.H., Keegan, S., and Provencher, J.F. 202*. Decades of monitoring plastic pollution in seabirds in Canada: spatial, temporal and methodological insights. Marine Pollution Bulletin, in press.

398. Shutler, D., Mahoney, S., Jamieson, S.E., Gilchrist, H.G., and Mallory, M.L. 2024. Annual patterns of body, tissue, and organ mass variation in long-tailed ducks Clangula hyemalis. Arctic Science, in press.

397. Schutten, K., Morrill, A., Chandreshaker, A., Stevens, B., Parmley, E.J., Cunningham, J., Robertson, G., Mallory, M., Jardine, C., and Provencher, J. 2024. Assessing plastic ingestion, accumulated heavy metals, and other associated health metrics in four Larus gull species feeding at an urban landfill in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Journal of Hazardous Materials 476: 135107.


396. Gutowsky, S.E., Mallory, M.L., McLellan, N., Robertson, G.J., Gilliland, S.G., Conner, K. 202*. Severe declines of male American common eiders during spring over the past three decades in the southwestern Bay of Fundy, Canada. Wildfowl, accepted.


395. Spooner, I.S., D. Van Rooyen, M.L. Mallory, N.J. O’Driscoll and N. Hill. 20**. Geological history and ecosystems evolution at Big Meadow Bog, Brier Island, Nova Scotia. In: O’Driscoll, N.J., and Hines, S. (eds.) Wetland restoration for endangered species recovery: A multidisciplinary case study of Big Meadow Bog, Brier Island, Nova Scotia. Springer book chapter, accepted.

394. O’Driscoll, N.J., Kickbush, J.C., Turner, H.E., Klapstein, S., Doncaster, M., Stevens, K., Clarke, R., Bradford, M., Bowes, B., Rogers, J., Hillier, N.K. and Mallory, M.L. 202*. A multi-year study of methylmercury and nutrient export in surface water from Big

Meadow Bog, Brier Island, Nova Scotia. In: O’Driscoll, N.J., and Hines, S. (eds.) Wetland restoration for endangered species recovery: A multidisciplinary case study of Big Meadow Bog, Brier Island, Nova Scotia. Springer book chapter, accepted.

393. Gjerdrum, C., Fifield, D.A., Bolduc, F., Wong, S.N.P., Beaumont, M., and Mallory, M.L. 202*. A history of monitoring marine birds at sea in eastern and Arctic Canada. Arctic Science, accepted.


392. Pollet, I.L., Gutowsky, S.E., Alisauskas, R.T., Harvey, W., Lalla, K.M., Lefebvre, J., Russell-Mercier, J., Provencher, J.F., Silverman, E.D., Smith, P.A., and Mallory, M.L. 2024. Trends in Arctic-nesting loon (Gavia spp.) populations in North America. Polar Biology, accepted.


391. Pollet, I.L., Artukhin, Y., Hansen, E., Kuletz, K.J., Merkel, F.R., Sigurðsson, G.M., Christensen-Dalsgaard, S., Strøm, H., Provencher, J.F., and Mallory, M.L. 2024. Feasibility and knowledge gaps to modelling circumpolar seabird bycatch in the Arctic. Polar Biology, accepted.


390. Mallory, M. L., J. F. Provencher, A. Belliveau, C.E. Wilson, S. Boates, D. Shutler, and S.E. Gutowsky. 202*. Managing gull numbers: history and challenges. In: Hill, N., Hines, S., and O’Driscoll, N.J. (eds.) Wetland restoration for endangered species recovery: A multidisciplinary case study of Big Meadow Bog, Brier Island, Nova Scotia. Springer book chapter, accepted.

389. Pollet, I.L., Sululiit Area Co-Management Committee, Baak, J.E., Hanifen, K.E., Kelly, B., Maddox, M., Provencher, J.F., and Mallory, M.L. 2024. Plastic ingestion and trace elements concentrations in Arctic seabirds. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 203: 116509.


388. Mallory, M. L., S. E. Gutowsky, J. F. Provencher, I.S. Spooner, N. J. O’Driscoll, and J. P. Smol. 202*. Effects of avian biotransport of industrial wastes to a bog ecosystem. Chapter 12 in: Hill, N., Hines, S., and O’Driscoll, N.J. (eds.) Wetland restoration for endangered species recovery: A multidisciplinary case study of Big Meadow Bog, Brier Island, Nova Scotia. Springer book chapter, accepted.

387. Mallory, M. L., and H. G. Gilchrist. 2024. Monitoring the endangered ivory gull in the Canadian Arctic. Arctic Science, accepted.


386. Clairbaux, M., M. Rönkä, T. Anker-Nilssen, Y. Artukhin, J. Danielsen, M. Gavrilo, G. Gilchrist, E.S. Hansen, A. Hedd, R. Kaler, K. Kuletz, B. Olsen, M.L. Mallory, F.R. Merkel, H. Strøm, J. Fort, and D. Grémillet. 2024. Pan-Arctic seabird monitoring: a framework for ecologically sound and participatory monitoring networks. Conservation Biology, accepted.


385. McLaughlin, A., J. Giacinti, I. Rahman, J. Wight, K. Hargan, A. Lang, M. Mallory, K. Elliott, D. Ojkic, S. Lair, M. Jones, Y. Berhane, G. Gilchrist, L. Wilson, S. Wilhelm, M.G.C. Brown, and J.F. Provencher. 2024. Spatiotemporal prevalence patterns of low and highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in murres in Canada from 2007-2022 – a case study for wildlife viral monitoring.  FACETS, accepted.


384. Baak, J.E., J.F. Provencher, M.L. Mallory, and K.H. Elliott. 2024. Spatial ecotoxicology: what we know about the relationship between avian movements and contaminant levels. Environmental Reviews, accepted.


383. Cruz-Flores, M., J. Lemaire, M. Brault-Favrou, S. Christensen-Dalsgaard, C. Churlaud, S. Descamps, K. Elliott, K.E. Erikstad, A Ezhov, M. Gavrilo, D. Grémillet, G. Guillou, S. Hatch, N. Huffeldt, Y. Krasnov, A.S. Kitaysky, Y Kolbeinsson, M. Langset, S. Leclaire, J.F. Linnebjerg, E. Lorentzen, M.L. Mallory, F.R. Merkel, W. Montevecchi, A. Mosbech, A. Patterson, J.F. Provencher, T. Reiertsen, H. Strøm, A. Takahashi, J.-B. Thiebot, T. Lindberg Thorarinsson, P. Will, P. Bustamante, and J. Fort. 2024. Spatial distribution of selenium-mercury in Arctic seabirds. Environmental Pollution 343: 123110.


382. Gaston, A.J., J.F. Provencher, B.M. Braune, H. G. Gilchrist, S.E. Gutowsky, and M.L. Mallory. 2024. Monitoring Canadian Arctic seabirds at the Prince Leopold Island Field Station, 1975-2023. Arctic Science, accepted.


381. Provencher, J.F., M.G.C. Brown, K. Hargan, A.S. Lang, H. Lewis, M.L. Mallory, R. Michelin, G. Mitchell, I. Rahman, C. Sharp, S. Shikaze, and J. Wight. 2024. Pathogen surveillance in swallows (family Hirundinidae): investigation into role as avian influenza vector in Eastern Canada agricultural landscapes. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 60: 763-768.


380. Mallory, M. L. 2024. Monitoring ground-nesting seabirds in the Canadian Arctic: the Nasaruvaalik Island field station. Arctic Science, accepted.


379. Bradford, M., Mallory, M. L., and O’Driscoll, N. J. 2024. Ecology and environmental characteristics influence methylmercury bioaccumulation in coastal invertebrates. Chemosphere 346: 140502.


378. Morehouse, A.T., M. Mallory, A.E. Derocher, M.A. Edwards, T. Fleming, and M. Obbard. 2024. Black bear cub rehabilitation and release: jurisdictional practices across North America. Ursus, in press.

377. O’Driscoll, N.J., L. Evans, M. Mallory, and M. Snyder. 2023. A quantitative method to measure the kinetics of elemental mercury emissions from Black Shale (Nova Scotia,Canada). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 111: 57.

376. Cusset, F., J. Charrier, G. Masse, M. Mallory, B. Braune, J. Provencher, G. Guillou, P. Massicotte, and J. Fort. 2023. The consumption of ice-derived resources is associated with high mercury contamination in an Arctic seabird. Environmental Research 238: 117066.

375. Noel, K., S. Craik, G. J. Parsons, I. Pratte, M. Tomlik, and M. L. Mallory. 2023. Nest shelter use by American common eiders (Somateria mollissima dresseri): occupancy rates and effects of shelter type on nest microclimate. Northeastern Naturalist 30: 368-381.

374. Bianchini, K., Gilliland, S., Berlin, A.M., Bowman, T., Boyd, S., de la Cruz, S.E.W., Esler, D., Evenson, J.R., Flint, P.L., Kenow, K., Lepage, C., Loring, P.H., McWilliams, S.R., Meattey, D.E., Osenkowski, J.E., Perry, M.C., Poulin, J.-F., Reed, E., Roy, C., Savard, J.-P.L., Savoy, L, Schamber, J.L., Spiegel, C.S., Takekawa, J., Ward, D.H., and Mallory, M.L. 2023. Evaluation of the breeding chronology of North American scoters. Wildlife

Biology 2023: e01099.


373. Gutowsky, S., J.E. Baak, S. Craik, M. Mallory, N. Knutson, A. D’Entremont, and K. Allard. 2023. Seasonal and circadian patterns of herring gull (Larus smithsoniansus) movements reveal temporal shifts in industry and coastal island interaction. Ecological Solutions and

Evidence 4: e12274.


372. Gutowsky, S., G. J. Robertson, M. L. Mallory, N. R. McLellan, and S. G. Gilliland. 2023. Redistribution of wintering American common eiders (Somateria mollissima dresseri). Avian Conservation and Ecology 18: 8. URL:

371. Clark, B.L., A.P.B. Carneiro, E.J. Pearmain, M.-M. Rouyer, T.A. Clay, W. Cowger, R.A. Phillips, A. Manica, C. Hazin, M. Eriksen, J. Gonzalez-Solis, J. Adams, Y.V. Albores-Barajas, J. Alfaro-Shigueto, M. Alho, J. M. Arcos, J. Arnould, C. Barbraud, A. Beard, J. Beck, E. Bell, D.G. Bennet, M. Biscoito, M. Bolton, K. Booth Jones, J. Borg, K. Bourgeois, V. Bretagnolle, J. Briskie, M. Brooke, L. Bugoni, L. Calabrese, L. Campioni, M. Carey, R. Carle, A.R. Carreiro, N. Carlile, P. Catry, T. Catry, J.G. Cecere, F.R. Ceia, Y. Cherel, C.-Y. Choi, M. Cianchetti, R. Clarke, J. Cleeland, V. Colodro, Z. Deakin, G. Dell'Omo, K. Delord, N. Dehnhard, T. Dennis, S. Descamps, B. Dilley, J. Dubos, B. Dunphy, L. Emmerson, A.I. Fagundes, A. Fayet, J. Felis, J. Fischer, A. Freeman, G. Gaibani, D. Garcia, C. Gjerdrum, T. Glass, J.P. Granadeiro, W.J. Grecian, D. Gremillet, T. Guilford, L.R. Halpin, A. Hedd, H.F.R. Hereward, M.A. Hindell, P. Hodum, A. Jaeger, M. Jessopp, P. Jodice, C.W. Jones, A. Kane, S. Kapelj, Y. Kim, L. Krüger, P. Lago, T. Landers, J. Lavers, M. Le Corre, M. Louzao, M. Nicoll, D. Nicholls, V. Neves, J. Madeiros, M. Magalhães, M.L. Mallory, J.F. Masello, B. Massa, S. Matsumoto, F. McDuie, B. Metzger, R. Montone, W. Montevecchi, S. Oppel, D. Oro, E. Owen, O. Padget, V. Paiva, D. Pala, F. De Pascalis, C. Peron, J. Pereira, M.V. Petry, P. Pistorius, P. Pinet, B. Porter, C.B. Proaño, I. Pollet, C. Powell, P. Quillfeldt, J. Quinn, A. Raine, H. Raine, I. Ramirez, J.A. Ramos, R. Ramos, N. Ratcliffe, A. Ravache, M.J. Rayner, T. Reid, G.J. Robertson, G. Rocamora, D.P. Rollinson, R.A. Ronconi, A. Rotger, D.

Rubolini, A. Ruiz, J. Russell, P. Ryan, P. Sagar, R. Sagar, A.S. Aguilar, Y. Satge, S. Schoombie, W. Shäfer, S. Shaffer, N. Shah, M. Shailer, D. Shutler, M. Silva, C. Soldatini, H. Strøm, C. Surman, A. Takahashi, V. Tatayah, G. Taylor, R. Thomas, D.R. Thompson, P. Thompson, L. Tranquilla, E. Vidal, E. Wakefield, S. Waugh, H. Weimerskirch, L. Wilson, H. Wittmer, K. Yoda, T. Yamamoto, C. Zavalaga, F. Zino, and M.P. Dias. 2023. Global assessment of marine plastic exposure risk for oceanic birds. Nature Communications 14: 3665.

370. Tomlik, M.A., G.R. Milton, G.J. Parsons, and M.L. Mallory. 2023. Dynamic vegetation cover and decline in common eider breeding numbers in Nova Scotia, Canada. FACETS  8: 1-12.

369. Provencher, J.F., A.E. Wilcox, S. Gibbs, L.-A. Howes, M.L. Mallory, M. Pybus, A.M. Ramey, E. Reed, C.M. Sharp, C. Soos, I. Stasiak, and J.O. Leafloor. 2023. Baiting and banding: expert opinion on how bait trapping may influence the occurrence of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) among dabbling ducks. Journal of Wildlife Diseases in press.

368. Rooney, R., J. Daniel, M.L. Mallory, A. Hedd, J. Ives, G. Gilchrist, C. Gjerdrum, G. Robertson, R. Ronconi, K. Wilcox, S. Wong, and J. Provencher. 2023. Fuzzy cognitive mapping as a tool to assess the relative cumulative effects of environmental stressors on an Arctic seabird population to identify conservation action and research priorities. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 4: e12241.

367. Smith, R., J. Fort, P. Legagneux, O. Chastel, M.L. Mallory, P. Bustamante, J. Danielsen, S.A. Hanssen, J.E. Jónsson, E. Magnúsdóttir, B. Moe, C. Parenteau, K.J.L. Parkinson, G.J. Parsons, G. Tertitski, and O.P. Love. 2023. Do foraging ecology and contaminants interactively predict parenting hormone levels in common eider? General and Comparative Endocrinology 337: 114261.

366. Bradford, M.A., M.L. Mallory, and N.J. O’Driscoll. 2023. Mercury bioaccumulation and speciation in coastal invertebrates: implications for trophic magnification in a marine food web. Marine Pollution Bulletin 188: 114647.

365. Pollet, I.L., Baak, J.E., Burgess, H., Feld, L., Grosvik, B.E., Liboiron, M., Mallory, M.L., Murphy, P., Provencher, J.F, and Strand, J. 2023. Monitoring litter on Arctic and subarctic shorelines: current status, and next steps for monitoring programs. Arctic Science 9: 807-824.

364. Petersen, A., S. Thorstensen, I.K. Petersen, S.W. Petrek, K. Brides, A.M. Calvert, M.L. Mallory, G.J. Robertson, and S.E. Gutowsky. 2023. Adult survival and annual movement patterns of common snipe in Iceland. Polar Research 42: 8616.

363. Fackelmann, G., C.K. Pham, Y. Rodríguez, M.L. Mallory, J.F. Provencher, J.E. Baak, and S. Sommer. 2023. Current levels of microplastic pollution levels impact wild seabird gut microbiomes. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7: 698-706.

362. Pollet, I.L., McFarlane-Tranquilla, L., Burgess, N.M., Diamond, A.W., Gjerdrum, C., Hedd, A., Hoeg, R., Jones, P.L., Mauck, R.A., Montevecchi, W.A., Pratte, I., Ronconi, R.A., Shutler, D., Wilhelm, S.I., and M.L. Mallory. 2023. Factors influencing mercury levels in Leach’s storm-petrels at northwest Atlantic colonies. Science of the Total Environment 860: 160464.

361. Bradford, M.A., M.L. Mallory, and N.J. O’Driscoll. 2023. The complex interactions between sediment geochemistry, methylmercury production, and bioaccumulation in intertidal estuarine ecosystems: a focused review. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 110: 26.

360. Bianchini, K., M.L. Mallory, and J.F. Provencher. 2023. Trends in hepatic cadmium concentrations in marine bird species from the Canadian Arctic. Science of the Total Environment 858: 159959.

359. Gutowsky, S.E., G.J. Robertson, M.L. Mallory, N.R. McLellan, S.G. Gilliland, J. Paquet, A.A. D’Entremont, and R. Ronconi. 2022. Increased abundance and range expansion of harlequin ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus) wintering in eastern Canada. Endangered Species Research 49: 187-198.

358. Pollet, I., Ausems, A., Barbraud, C., Bedolla-Guzmán, Bicknell, A., Bolton, M. Bond, A., Delord, K., Diamond, A., Fifield, D., Gjerdrum, C., Halpin, L., Hansen, E., Hedd, A., Hoeg, R., Lenske, A., Major, H., Mauck, R., McClelland, G., McFarlane Tranquilla, L., Montevecchi, W., Parker, M., Pratte, I., Rail, J.-F., Robertson, G., Rock, J., Ronconi, R., Shutler, D., Stenhouse, I., Takahashi, A., Watanuki, Y., Welch, L., Wilhelm, S., Wong,

S., and Mallory, M. 2023. Experts' opinions on threats to Leach's storm-petrels (Hydrobates leucorhous) across their global range. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 18(1):11.

357. Provencher, J., M. Florentine, M. Mallory, B. Braune, L. Pirie-Dominix, and Z. Lu. 2022. 44-year retrospective analysis of ultraviolet absorbents and industrial antioxidants in seabird eggs from the Canadian Arctic (1975-2019). Environmental Science & Technology 56: 14562-14573.

356. Aleuy, O.A, S. Kutz, M.L. Mallory, and J.F. Provencher. 2023. Wildlife health in environmental impact assessments: are we missing a key metric? Environmental Reviews 31: 348-359.

355. Mallory, M.L., A. Petersen. S. Thorstensen, I. Spooner, N. J. O’Driscoll, J. E. Baak and J. A. McIntyre. 2023. Mercury in soils of seabird nesting islands in west Iceland. Arctic 76: 48-59.

354. Mallory, M.L., G.J. Robertson, S. Keegan, I.L. Pollet, L.N. Harris, and J.F. Provencher. 2022. Bycatch of loons assessed in coastal Arctic Char fisheries in the Canadian Arctic. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42: 1215-1225.

353. Patterson, A., H. G. Gilchrist, S. Benjaminsen, M. Bolton, S. Descamps, K. E. Erikstad, M. Frederiksen, A. J. Gaston, J. Linnebjerg, O. Love, M. L. Mallory, F. R. Merkel, W. Montevecchi, A. Mosbech, E. Owen, P. Regular, T. K. Reiertsen, Y. Ropert-Coudert, H. Strøm, and K. H. Elliott. 2022. Foraging range scales with colony size in high latitude seabirds. Current Biology 32: 3800-3807.

352. Chastel, O., J. Fort, J.T. Ackerman, C. Albert, F. Angelier, N. Basu, P. Blevin, M. Brault-Favrou, J.O. Bustnes, P. Bustamante, J. Danielsen, S. Descamps, R. Dietz, K.E. Erikstad, I. Eulaers, A. Ezhov, A. Fleishman, G.W. Gabrielsen, M. Gavrilo, G. Gilchrist, O. Gilg, S. Gislason, E. Golubova, A. Goutte, D. Grémillet, G.T. Hallgrimsson, E.S. Hansen, S.A. Hanssen, NP. Huffeldt, D. Jakubas, J.E. Jonsson, A.S. Kitaysky, Y. Kolbeinsson, Y.

Krasnov, R.J. Letcher, J.F. Linnebjerg, M. Mallory, F.R. Merkel, B. Moe, W.J. Montevecchi, A. Mosbech, B. Olsen, R.A. Orben, J.F. Provencher, S.B. Ragnarsdottir, T.K. Reiertsen, N. Rojek, M. Romano, J. Sondergaard, H. Strøm, A. Takahashi, S. Tartu, T.L. Thorarinsson, J.-B. Thiebot, A.P. Will, S. Wilson, K. Wojczulanis-Jakubas, G. Yannic. 2022. Mercury contamination and potential health risk to Arctic seabirds and

shorebirds. Science of the Total Environment, accepted.

351. Pollet, I.L., McFarlane Tranquilla, L., Burgess, N.M., Provencher, J.F., and M.L. Mallory. 2022. Mercury levels in North Atlantic seabirds: a synthesis. Marine Pollution Bulletin, accepted.

350. McIntyre, J.A., N.J. O’Driscoll, I. Spooner, G.J. Robertson, J.P. Smol, and M.L. Mallory. 2022. Scavenging gulls are biovectors of mercury from industrial wastes in Nova Scotia, Canada. Chemosphere, 304: 135279.

349. Ronconi, R.A., Lieske, D.J., McFarlane Tranquilla, L.A., Allard, K.A., Allen, B., Black, A.L., Bolduc, F., Davoren, G.K., Diamond, A.W., Fifield, D.A., Garthe, S., Gjerdrum, C., Hedd, A., Mallory, M.L., Mauck, R.A., McKnight, J., Montevecchi, W.A., Pollet, I.L., Pratte, I., Rail, J.-F., Regular, P.M., Robertson, G.J., Rock, J.C., Savoy, L., Shlepr, K., Shutler, D., Symons, S., Taylor, P.D., and Wilhelm, S.I. 2022. Predicting seabird foraging habitat for conservation planning in Atlantic Canada: integrating telemetry and census data across thousands of colonies. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9: 816794.

348. Provencher, J.F., K. Vorkamp, S. Aliani, M. Bergmann, M. Bourdages, L. Buhl-Mortensen, F. Galgani, A. Gomiero, M. Granberg, B.E. Grøsvik, B. Hamilton, T. Kögel, A. Lusher, M.L. Mallory, P. Murphy, I. Peeken, S. Primpke, J. Strand, and J.R. Larsen. 202*. Future monitoring of litter and microplastics in the Arctic – challenges, opportunities and strategies. Arctic Science, 9: 209-226.

347. Sühring, R., J. E. Baak, R.J. Letcher, B. Braune, A. Da Silva, C. Dey, K. Fernie, Z. Lu, M.L. Mallory, S. Avery-Gomm, and J. F. Provencher. 2022. Plastic (co-)contaminants in northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) and black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactylafrom the Canadian Arctic. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology 12: 100189.

346. Lusher, A., Provencher, J.F., Baak, J.E., Hamilton, B.M., Vorkamp, K., Hallanger, I.G., Pijogge, L., Liboiron, M., Bourdages, M.P.T., Hammer, S., Gavrilo, M., Vermaire, J.C., Linnebjerg, J.F., Mallory, M.L., and Gabrielsen, G.W. 2022. Monitoring litter and microplastics in Arctic birds and mammals. Arctic Science, 8: 1217-1235.

345. Flemming, S.A., R.B. Lanctot, C. Price, M.L. Mallory, S. Kühn, M.C. Drever, T. Barry, and J.F. Provencher. 2022. Shorebirds ingest plastic too: what we know, what we don’t know, and what we should do next. Environmental Reviews 30: 537-551.

344. Baak, J.E., Z. Brown, J.F. Provencher, and M.L. Mallory. 2022. A rapid assessment technique for coastal plastic debris sampling: applications for remote regions and citizen science. Marine Pollution Bulletin 178: 113641.

343. Wong, J. B.-Z., S. Lisovski, R. Alisauskas, W. English, A.-L. Harrison, D. Kellett, M. Maftei, A. Nagy-MacArthur, R. A. Ronconi, P. A. Smith, M. Mallory, and M. Auger-Methe. 2022. Variation in migration behaviours used by Arctic Terns (Sterna paradisaea) breeding across a wide latitudinal gradient. Polar Biology 45: 909-922.


342. Mallory, M.L., J. Toomasie, S. Emond, G. Lamarche, L. Roberts, L. Pirie-Dominix, and J.F. Provencher. 2022. Community-scientist collaboration in the creation, management and research for two national wildlife areas in Arctic Canada. Chapter 8 in: J. Holzer, J. Baird

and G. Hickey (eds). Pluralism in ecosystem governance. Advances in Ecological Research, in press.

341. Provencher, J.F., S. Au, D. Horn, M.L. Mallory, T. Walker, J. Kurek, L.M. Erdle, J. Weis, and A. Lusher. 2022. Animals and microplastics – ingestion, transport, breakdown, and trophic transfer. In Polluting Textiles: The problem with microfibers (eds) Weis J. Routledge – Taylor and Francis.

340. Keogan, K., S. Wanless, F. Daunt, R. Phillips, D. Alvarez, T. Anker-Nilssen, R. Barrett, C. Bech, P. Becker, P. A. Berglund, S. Bouwhuis, Z. Burr, O. Chastel, S. Christensen-Dalsgaard, S. Descamps, T. Diamond, K. Elliott, K.-E. Erikstad, M. Harris, J. Hentati-Sundberg, M. Heubeck, M. Langset, S.-H. Lorentsen, M. Mallory, M. Mellor, W. Miles, B. Moe, C. Mostello, M. Newell, I. Nisbet, T. K. Reiertsen, J. Rock, O. Varpe, S. Lewis, and A. Phillimore. 2022. Variation and correlation in the timing of breeding of North Atlantic seabirds across multiple spatial scales. Journal of Animal Ecology accepted.

339. Provencher, J.F., P.J. Thomas, B.M. Braune, B. Pauli, R. Franckowiak, G. Tomy, I. Idowu, P. O’Hara, and M.L. Mallory. 2022. Decadal differences in polycyclic aromatic compound (PAC) concentrations in two seabird species in Arctic Canada. Science of the Total Environment 826: 154088.

338. Charbonnel, E., C. Daguin, L. Caradec, E. Moittie, O. Gilg, M.V. Gavrilo, H. Strom, M.L. Mallory, R.I.G. Morrison, H.G. Gilchrist, R. Leblois, C. Roux, J.M. Yearsley, G. Yannic and T. Broquet. 2022. No genetic evidence of demographic decline in the ivory gull? Beware of overlapping generations! Heredity,

337. Gutowsky, S. E., J. E. Baak, A. J. Gaston, and M. L. Mallory. 2022. Sea ice extent and phenology influences breeding of high Arctic seabirds: four decades of monitoring in Nunavut, Canada. Oecologia,

336. Harrison, A.-L., P. Woodward, M. L. Mallory, and J. Rausch. 2022. Sympatrically-breeding congeneric seabirds (Stercorarius spp.) from Arctic Canada travel to four oceans. Ecology and Evolution 12: e8451.


335. Gutowsky, S.E., L.F.G. Gutowsky, G.R. Milton, M.L. Mallory. 2022. Habitat associations at multiple scales identify areas of management priority for American woodcock in Nova Scotia. Journal of Wildlife Management 86: e22153.

334. Bianchini, K., M.L. Mallory, B.M. Braune, D.C.G. Muir, and J.F. Provencher. 2022. Why do we monitor? Using seabird eggs to track trends in Arctic environmental contamination. Environmental Reviews 30: 245-267.

333. Halliday, W.D., J. Dawson, D.J. Yurkowski, T. Doniol-Valcroze, S.H. Ferguson, C. Gjerdrum, N. E. Hussey, Z. Kochanowicz, M.L. Mallory, M. Marcoux, C. A. Watt, and S.N.P. Wong. 2022. Vessel risks to marine wildlife in the Tallurutiup Imanga National Marine Conservation Area and eastern entrance to the Northwest Passage. Environmental Science & Policy 127: 181-195.

332. Craik, S., R. Titman, A. Calvert, G. Robertson, M.L. Mallory, and S. Gutowsky. 2021. Host choice and lifetime fitness associated with conspecific brood parasitism in red-breasted mergansers. FACETS 6: 2155-2176.

331. Peck, L.E., M.D. English, G.J. Robertson, S.L. Craik, and M.L. Mallory. 2021. Migratory chronology and movements of adult American black ducks (Anas rubripes) wintering in Nova Scotia, Canada. Wildlife Biology 2021: e01000.

330. Baak, J.E., M.L. Mallory, C.M. Anderson, M. Auger-Méthé, C.A. Macdonald, M.H. Janssen, H.G. Gilchrist, J.F. Provencher, and S.E. Gutowsky. 2021. Inter-individual variation in the migratory behaviour of a generalist seabird, the herring gull (Larus smithsoniansus) from the Canadian Arctic. Animal Migration 8: 144-155.

329. Geizer, H. D., S. J. Klapstein, M. L. Mallory, and N. J. O’Driscoll. 2021. Methylmercury and phosphate inputs to a bog ecosystem from herring gull (Larus smithsoniansus) guano. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 226: 112845.


328. Jardine, A., J.F. Provencher, I. Pratte, E.R. Holland, J.E. Baak, G.J. Robertson, and M.L. Mallory. 2021. Annual plastic ingestion and isotopic niche patterns of two sympatric gull species at Newfoundland, Canada. Marine Pollution Bulletin 173: 112991.

327. Sarma, S. N., P. J. Thomas, S. Naz, B. Pauli, D. Crump, Y. Zahaby, J. M. O’Brien, M. L. Mallory, R. P. Franckowiak, M. Gendron, and J. F. Provencher. 2022. Metabolomic profiles in relation to benchmark polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) and trace elements in two seabird species from Arctic Canada. Environmental Research, 204: 112022.

326. Duda, M. P., K. E. Hargan, N. Michelutti, J. M. Blais, C. Grooms, H. G. Gilchrist, M. L. Mallory, G. J. Robertson, and J. P. Smol. 2021. Reconstructing long-term changes in avian populations using lake sediments: opening a window onto the past. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 698175.

325. Gutowsky, S. E., S. E. Davis, M. Maftei, and M. L. Mallory. 2021. Flexibility in migratory strategy contrasts with reliance on restricted staging and overwintering grounds for Sabine’s gulls from the Canadian High Arctic. Animal Migration 8: 84-97.

324. Robertson, G.J., S.N.P. Wong, M.D. Tomlik, G.R. Milton, G.J. Parsons, and M.L. Mallory. 2021. Common eider wintering trends in Nova Scotia, 1970-2019. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management, accepted.

323. Smith, R.A., D.J. Yurkowski, K.J.L. Parkinson, J. Fort, H.L. Hennin, H.G. Gilchrist, K.A. Hobson, M.L. Mallory, S.A. Hanssen, J. Danielsen, S.E. Garbus, J.E. Jónsson, C.J. Latty, B. Moe, G.J. Parsons, C. Sonne, G. Tertitski, and O.P. Love. 2021. Environmental and life-history factors influencing inter-colony and multidimensional niche metrics of breeding common eider. Science of the Total Environment 796: 148935.

322. Clairbaux, M., P. Mathewson, W. Porter, J. Fort, H. Strøm, B. Moe, P. Fauchald, S. Descamps, H. Helgason, V.S. Bråthen, B. Merkel, T. Anker-Nilssen, I.S. Bringsvor, O. Chastel, S. Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. Danielsen, F. Daunt, N. Dehnhard, K.E. Erikstad, A. Ezhov, M. Gavrilo, Y. Krasnov, M. Langset, S.H. Lorentsen, M. Newell, B. Olsen, T.K. Reiertsen, G. Systad, T.L. Thórarinsson, M. Baran, T. Diamond, A. Fayet, M. Fitzsimmons, M. Frederiksen, H.G. Gilchrist, T. Guilford, N.P. Huffeldt, M. Jessopp, K.L. Johansen, A.L. Kouwenberg, J.F Linnebjerg, L. McFarlane Tranquilla, M. Mallory, FR. Merkel, W. Montevecchi, A. Mosbech, A. Petersen, and D. Grémillet. 2021. Do North Atlantic winter cyclones starve seabirds? Current Biology 31: 3964-3971.

321. Davies, T.E., Carneiro, A.P.B., Tarzia, M., Wakefield, E., Hennicke, J., Frederiksen, M., Hansen, E.S., Campos, B., Hazin, C., Lascelles, B., Anker-Nilssen, T., Arnardóttir, H., Bemmelen, R.S.A., Biscoito, M., Bollache, L., Boulinier, T., Catry, P., Ceia, F. R., Chastel, O., Christensen-Dalsgaard, S., Cruz-Flores, M., Danielsen, J., Daunt, F., Dunn, E., Egevang, C., Fagundes, A.I.., Fayet, A.L., Fort, J., Furness, R.W., Gilg, O., González-Solís, J., Granadeiro, J.P., Grémillet, D., Guilford, T., Hanssen, S.A., Harris, M.P., Hedd, A., Huffeldt, N.P., Jessopp, M., Kolbeinsson, Y., Krietsch, J., Lang, J., Linnebjerg, J.F., Lorentsen, S.-H., Madeiros, J., Mallory, M.L., Merkel, F.R., Militão, T., Moe, B., Montevecchi, W.A., Morera-Pujol, V., Mosbech, A., Neves, V., Olsen, B., Paiva, V.H., Peter, H.-U., Petersen, A., Phillips, R.A., Ramírez, I., Ramos, J.A., Ramos, R., Ronconi,

R.A., Ryan, P.G., Schmidt, N.M., Shailer, M., Sigurðsson, I.A., Sittler, B., Steen, H., Stenhouse, I.J., Strøm, H., Thompson, P., Þórarinsson, Þ.L., Wanless, S., Zino, F., and Dias, M.P. 2021. Multispecies tracking reveals a major seabird hotspot in the North Atlantic. Conservation Letters e12824.

320. Wong, J. B.-Z., S. Lisovski, R. Alisauskas, W. English, M.-A. Giroux, A.-L. Harrison, D. Kellett, N. Lecomte, M. Maftei, A. Nagy-MacArthur, R. A. Ronconi, P. A. Smith, M. Mallory, and M. Auger-Methe. 2021. Arctic terns from circumpolar breeding colonies share common migratory routes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 671: 191-206.

319. Kersten, O., B. Star, D. M. Leigh, T. Anker-Nilssen, H. Strøm, J. Danielsen, S. Descamps, K. E. Erikstad, M. Fitzsimmons, J. Fort, E. S. Hansen, M. Harris, M. Irestedt, O. Kleven, M. L. Mallory, K. S. Jakobsen, and S. Boessenkool. 2021. Complex population structure of the Atlantic puffin revealed by whole genome analyses. Communications Biology 4: 922.

318. Malcata Martins, B., N. J. O’Driscoll, M. L. Mallory, and J. Cañario. 2021. A review of freshwater invertebrates as biomonitors of methylmercury: the importance of more complete physical and chemical reporting. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology,

317. McGuire, H. E., D. W. Dunnington, I. S. Spooner, A. L. Loder, M. L. Mallory, N. McLellan, and C.-C. Su. 2021. Evaluating the multi-decadal response of historic seawater incursion events and salinity-induced meromixis at Laytons Lake, Nova Scotia, Canada. Lake and Reservoir Management 37: 378-390.

316. Zahaby, Y., P. Xia, D. Crump, J. Provencher, P. Thomas, B. Pauli, B. Braune, R. Franckowiak, M. Gendron, G. Savard, S. Sarma, M. L. Mallory, and J. O’Brien. 2021. ToxChip PCR arrays for two arctic-breeding seabirds: applications for regional environmental assessments. Environmental Science & Technology 55: 7521-7530.

315. Sherren, K., K. Ellis, J. Guimond, B. Kurylyk, N. LeRoux, J. Lundholm, M. Mallory, D. van Proosdij, A. Walker, T. Bowron, J. Brazner, L. Kellman, and B. Turner II. 2021. Understanding multifunctional Bay of Fundy dykelands and tidal wetlands using ecosystem services – a baseline. FACETS 6: 1446-1473.

314. Noel, K., N. McLellan, S. Gilliland, K. A. Allard, B. Allen, S. Craik, A. Demagny, M. D. English, A. Diamond, J.-F. Giroux, A. Hanson, H.W. Heusmann, L. King, C. Lepage, H. Major, D. McAuley, D. Meattey, G. R. Milton, J. Osenkowski, A. Roberts, G. J. Robertson, M.-C. Roy, L. Savoy, K. Sullivan, and M. L. Mallory. 2021. Expert opinion on American common eiders in eastern North America: international information needs

for future conservation. Socio-Ecological Practice Research 3: 153-166.

313. Mallory, M.L., J. Baak, C. Gjerdrum, O.E. Mallory, B. Manley, C. Swan, and J.F. Provencher. 2021. Anthropogenic litter in marine waters and coastlines of Arctic Canada and West Greenland. Science of the Total Environment 783: 146971.


312. Van Franeker, J.A., S. Kühn, N. Dehnhard, E. Edwards, F. Gallien, N. Guse, J. Kakkonene, M. L. Mallory, W. Miles, K. Olsen, J. Pedersen. J. Provencher, M. Roos, E. Stienen, D. M. Turner, and W. van Loon. 2021. New tools to evaluate plastic ingestion by northern fulmars applied to North Sea monitoring data 2002-2018. Marine Pollution Bulletin 166: 112246.


311. Gutowsky, S. E., M. L. Mallory, K. R. Studholme, R. A. Ronconi, K. A. Allard, K. Shlepr, J. McIntyre, and S. R. Craik. 2021. The influence of industry on the behavior of breeding gulls varies among colonies in southern Atlantic Canada. Wildlife Biology 2021: wlb.00804.


310. Bianchini, K., R. Alvo, D. C. Tozer, and M. L. Mallory. 2021. The legacy of regional industrial activity: are loons still affected by acid rain? Biological Conservation 225: 108977.


309. Clairbaux, M., W. Cheung, P. Mathewson, W. Porter, N. Courbin, J. Fort, H. Strøm, B. Moe, P. Fauchald, S. Descamps, H. Helgason, V.S. Bråthen, B. Merkel, T. Anker-Nilssen, I.S. Bringsvor, O. Chastel, S. Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. Danielsen, F. Daunt, N. Dehnhard, K.E. Erikstad, A. Ezhov, M. Gavrilo, Y. Krasnov, M. Langset, S.H. Lorentsen, M. Newell, B. Olsen, T.K. Reiertsen, G. Systad, T.L. Thórarinsson, M. Baran, T. Diamond, A. Fayet, M. Fitzsimmons, M. Frederiksen, H.G. Gilchrist, T. Guilford, N.P. Huffeldt, M. Jessopp, K.L. Johansen, A.L. Kouwenberg, J.F Linnebjerg, L. McFarlane Tranquilla, M. Mallory, F.R. Merkel, W. Montevecchi, A. Mosbech, A. Petersen, and D. Grémillet. 2021. Meeting Paris Agreement objectives will temper seabird winter distribution shifts in the North Atlantic Ocean. Global Change Biology 27: 1457-1469.


308. Bianchini, K., R. Alvo, D. C. Tozer, and M. L. Mallory. 2021. Lake ice off negatively influences breeding Common Loons (Gavia immer). Northwestern Naturalist 28: 65-76.


307. Hamilton, B. M., M. P. T. Bourdages, C. Geoffroy, J. C. Vermaire, M. L. Mallory, C. M. Rochman, and J. F. Provencher. 2021. Microplastics around an Arctic seabird colony: particle community composition varies across environmental matrices. Science of the Total Environment 773: 145536.


306. Krug, D., R. Frith, S. N. P. Wong, R. A. Ronconi, S. I. Wilhelm, N. O’Driscoll, and M. L. Mallory. 2021. Marine pollution in fledged Leach’s storm-petrels (Hydrobates leucorhous) from Baccalieu Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Marine Pollution Bulletin 162:111842.


305. Cheng, W., L. E. Kimpe, M. L. Mallory, J. P. Smol, and J. M. Blais. 2021. An ~1,100-year record of Arctic seabird occupation in pond sediments. Geology 49: 510-514.


304. Bourdages, M., J. F. Provencher, J. E. Baak, M. L. Mallory, and J. C. Vermaire. 2021. Breeding seabirds as vectors of microplastics from sea to land: evidence from colonies in Arctic Canada. Science of the Total Environment 764: 142808.


303. Davidson, S.C., Bohrer, G., Gurarie, E., Jennewein, J., LaPoint, S., Mahoney, P.J., Boelman, N.T., Eitel, J., Prugh, L.R, Vierling, L., Grier, E., Meddens, A.J.H., Oliver, R.Y., Kays, R., Wikelski, M., Aarvak, T., Ackerman, J.T., Alves, J.A., Bayne, E., Bedrosian, B., Belant, J.L., Berdahl, A.M., Berlin, A.M., Berteaux, D., Bêty, J., Boiko, D., Booms, T.L., Borg, B.L., Boutin, S., Boyd, W.S., Brides, K., Brown, S., Burnham, K.K., Cabot, D., Casazza, M., Christie, K., Craig, E.H., Davis, S.E., Davison, T., Demma, D., DeSorbo, C.R., Dixon, A., Domenech, R., Eichhorn, G., Elliott, K., Evenson, J. R., Exo, K.-M., Ferguson, S.H., Fiedler, W., Fisk, A., Fort, J., Franke, A., Fuller, M.R., Garthe, S., Gilchrist, G., Glazov, P., Gray, C.E., Grémillet, D., Griffin, L., Hallworth, M., Harrison, A.-L., Hennin, H. L., Hipfner, J.M., Hodson, J., Johnson, J.A., Joly, K., Jones, K., Katzner, T.E., Kelly, A.P., Kidd, J.W., Knight, E.C., Kochert, M.N., Kölzsch, A., Kruckenberg, H., Lagassé, B.J., Lai, S., Lamarre, J.-F., Lanctot, R.B., Larter, N.C., Latham, A.D.M., Latty, C.J., Lawler, J.P., Léandri-Breton, D.-J., Lee, H., Lewis, S.B., Love, O., Madsen, J., Maftei, M., Mallory, M.L., Mangipane, B., Marra, P.P., McGuire, R., McIntyre, C.L., McKinnon, E.A., Miller, T.A., Moonen, S., Mu, T., Müskens, G.J.D.M., Ng, J., Nicholson, K.L., Øien, I.J., Overton, C., Owen, P.A., Patterson, A., Petersen, A., Pokrovsky, I., Powell, L.,  Prieto, R., Quillfeldt, P., Rausch, J., Russell, K., Saalfeld, S.T., Schekkerman, H., Schmutz, J.A., Schwemmer, P., Seip, D.R., Shreading, A., Silva, M.A., Smith, F., Smith, J.P., Snell, K.R.S., Sokolov, A., Sokolov, V., Solovyeva, D.V., Sorum, M.S., Tertitski, G., Therrien, J.F., Thorup, K., Tibbitts, L., Tulp, I., Uher-Koch, B.D., van Bemmelen, R.S., van Wilgenburg, S., Von Duyke, A.L., Watson, J.L., Watts, B.D., Williams, J.A., Wilson, M.T., Wright, J., Yates, M.A., Yurkowski, D., Žydelis, R., Hebblewhite, M. 2020. Ecological insights from three decades of animal movement tracking across a changing Arctic. Science 370: 712-715.


302. Petersen, A., G. J. Robertson, S. Thorstensen, and M. L. Mallory. 2020. Annual survival of Arctic terns in western Iceland. Polar Biology 43: 1843.

301. Baak, J. E., J. F. Provencher, and M. L. Mallory. 2020. Sex-specific change in body condition of Arctic terns (Sterna paradisaea) through the breeding season in the Canadian high Arctic. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 52: 596-604.

300. Linnebjerg, J. F., J. E. Baak, T. Barry, M. V. Gavrilo, M. L. Mallory, F. R. Merkel, C. Price, J. Strand, T. R. Walker, and J. F. Provencher. 2021. Review of plastic pollution policies of Arctic countries in relation to seabirds. FACETS 6: 1-25.

299. Albert, C., H. H. Helgason, M. Brault-Favrou, F. Amélineau, S. Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. Danielson, S. Descamps, R. Dietz, K. Elliott, K. E. Erikstad, I. Eulaers, A. Ezhov, M. Gavrilo, E. Golubova, D. Grémillet, E. S. Hansen, S. Hatch, D. Jakubas, S. Kitaysky, Y. Kolbeinsson, Y. Krasnov, M. Langset, S. Leclaire, S.-H. Lorentsen, E. Lorentzen, M. L. Mallory, B. Merkel, F. R. Merkel, B. Montevecchi, A. Mosbech, B. Olsen, A. Patterson,

N. P. Huffeldt, C. Plumejeaud, I. Pratte, J. F. Provencher, T. K. Reiertsen, H. Renner, G. Robertson, N. Rojek, M. Romano, H. Strøm, G. H. Systad, T. L. Tórarinsson, A. Will, K. Wojczulanis-Jakubas, P. Bustamante, and J. Fort. 2021. The role of winter on the mercury contamination of seabirds: a pan-Arctic approach. Science of the Total Environment 750: 142201.

298. Lamb, J., P. Paton, J. Osenkowski, S. Badzinski, A. Berlin, T. Bowman, C. Dwyer, L. Fara, S. Gilliland, K. Kenow, C. Lepage, M. Mallory, G. Olsen, M. Perry, S. Petrie, J.-P. Savard, L. Savoy, M. Schummer, C. Spiegel, and S. McWilliams. 2020. Assessing year-round habitat selection by migratory sea ducks: a multi-species approach. Ecography 43: 1-18.


297. Henri, D. A., L. M. Martinez-Levasseur, S. Weetaltuk, M. L. Mallory, H. G. Gilchrist, and F. Jean-Gagnon. 2020. Inuit knowledge of arctic terns (Sterna paradisaea), and perspectives on declining abundance in southeastern Hudson Bay, Canada. PLOS ONE 15: e0242193.


296. Colston-Nepali, L., J.F. Provencher, M.L. Mallory, R. Franckowiak, Z. Sun, G.J. Robertson, and V.L. Friesen. 2020. Using genomic tools to inform management of the Atlantic northern fulmar. Conservation Genetics 21: 1037-1050.


295. Frith, R., D. Krug, R. A. Ronconi, S. N. P. Wong, M. L. Mallory, and L. A. McFarlane Tranquilla. 2020. Diet of Leach’s storm-petrels (Hydrobates leucorhous) among three colonies in Atlantic Canada. Northeastern Naturalist 27: 612-630.


294. Provencher, J.F., P. Thomas, B. Pauli, B.M. Braune, R. Franckowiak, M. Gendron, G. Savard, S.N. Sarma, D. Crump, Y. Zahaby, J. O’Brien and M.L. Mallory. 2020. Polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) and trace elements in four marine species from northern Canada in a region of natural marine oil and gas seeps. Science of the Total Environment 744: 140959.


293. Baak, J. E., J. F. Linnebjerg, T. Barry, M. V. Gavrilo, M. L. Mallory, and J. F. Provencher. 2020. Plastic ingestion by seabirds in the circumpolar Arctic: a review. Environmental Reviews 28: 506-516.


292. Gutowsky, S. E., M. L. Mallory, G. R. Milton, and L. F. G. Gutowsky. 2020. Evaluating spatial patterns in population trends and breeding habitat availability for American woodcock (Scolopax minor) in Nova Scotia, Canada. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 1: e12016.


291. Baak, J. E., J. F. Provencher, and M. L. Mallory. 2020. Plastic ingestion by four seabird species in the Canadian Arctic: comparisons across species and time. Marine Pollution Bulletin 158: 111386.


290. Bianchini, K., D. Tozer, R. Alvo, S. P. Bhavsar, and M. L. Mallory. 2020. Drivers of declines in Common Loon (Gavia immer) productivity in Ontario, Canada. Science of the Total Environment 738: 139724.

289. Provencher, J.F., M. Liboiron, S. Borrelle, A.L. Bond, C. Rochman, J.L. Lavers, S. Avery-Gomm, R. Yamashita, P.G. Ryan, A.L. Lusher, S. Hammer, H. Bradshaw, J. Khan, and M.L. Mallory. 2020. A horizon scan of research priorities to inform policies aimed at reducing the harm of plastic pollution to biota. Science of the Total Environment 733: 139381.

288. Lamb, J., P. Paton, J. Osenkowski, S. Badzinski, A. Berlin, T. Bowman, C. Dwyer, L. Fara, S. Gilliland, K. Kenow, C. Lepage, M. L. Mallory, G. H. Olsen, M C. Perry, S. A. Petrie, J.-P. L. Savard, L. Savoy, M. Schummer, C. Spiegel, and S. McWilliams. 2020. Implanted satellite transmitters affect sea duck movement patterns at short- and long-term scales. The Condor 122: 1-16.


287. Anderson, C. M., G. Gilchrist, R. Ronconi, K. Shlepr, D. Clark, D. Fifield, G. J. Robertson, and M. L. Mallory. 2020. Short and long distance migrants use similar migration strategies in North American herring gulls. Movement Ecology 8: 26.


286. English, M.D., G. J. Robertson, N. J. O’Driscoll, S. J. Klapstein, L. E. Peck, and M. L. Mallory. 2020. Variation in isotope niche, digestive tract morphology, and mercury concentrations in two sympatric waterfowl species wintering in Atlantic Canada. FACETS 5: 393-408.


285. Mallory, M. L., C. J. Dey, J. McIntyre, I. Pratte, C. L. Mallory, C. M. Francis, A. L. Black, and J. F. Provencher. 2020. Long-term declines in the size of northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) colonies on eastern Baffin Island, Canada. Arctic 73: 187-196.


284. Pratte, I., D. G. Noble, M. L. Mallory, B. M. Braune, and J. F. Provencher. 2020. The influence of migration patterns on exposure to contaminants in Nearctic shorebirds: a historical baseline study. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 192: 256.


283. Mallory, M. L., R. A. Ronconi, R. B. Allen, C. Dwyer, S. Lair, C. D. Mallory, N. R. McLellan, G. R. Milton, G. J. Parsons, L. Savoy, and M. D. Tomlik. 2020. Annual movement patterns of American common eiders (Somateria mollissima dresseri). Wildlife Biology 2020: wlb.00665.

282. Mallory, M. L., J. Chardine, and S. Gilliland. 2020. First report of scoters (Melanitta spp.) along eastern Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada. Arctic 73: 261-264.

281. Cooke, S., V. Nguyen, D. Anastakis, S. Scott, M. Turetsky, A. Amirfazli, A. Hearn, C. Milton, L. Loewen, E. Smith, R. Norris, K. Lavoie, A. Aiken, D. Ansari, A. Antle, M. Babel, J. Bailey, D. Bernstein, R. Birnbaum, C. Bourassa, A. Calcagno, A. Campana, B. Chen, K. Collins, C. Connelly, M. Denov, B. Dupont, G. Eric, I. Gregory-Eaves, S. High, J. M. Hill, P. Jackson, N. Jette, M. Jurdjevic, A. Kothari, P. Khairy, S. Lamoureux, K. Ladner, C. Landry, F. Legare, N. Lehoux, C. Leuprecht, A. Lieverse, A. Luczak, M. Mallory, E. Manning, A. Mazalek, S. Murray, L. Newman, V. Oosterveld, P. Potvin, S. Reimer-Kirkham, J. Rowsell, D. Stacey, S. Tighe, D. Vocadlo, A. Wilson, and A. Woolford. 2020. Perspectives on interdisciplinarity from members of the Canadian College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists. FACETS 5: 138-165.

280. Ackerman, J. T., M. P. Herzog, D. C. Evers, D. A. Cristol, K. P. Kenow, G. H. Heinz, R. A. Lavoie, R. L. Brasso, M. L. Mallory, J. F. Provencher, B. M. Braune, A. Matz, J. Schmutz, C. Eagles-Smith, L. J. Savoy, M. W. Meyer, and C. A. Hartman. 2020. A synthesis of maternal transfer of mercury in birds: implications for altered toxicity risk. Environmental Science & Technology 54: 2878-2891.


279. Strom, H., D. Boertmann, M. V. Gavrilo, H. G. Gilchrist, O. Gilg, M. Mallory, A. Mosbech, and G. Yannic. 2019. Ivory gull: status, trends, and new knowledge. In Richter-Menge, J., M. L. Druckenmiller, and M. Jeffries (eds.), Arctic Report Card 2019,

277. Provencher, J.F., S. Avery-Gomm, B.M. Braune, R. Letcher, C.J. Dey, and M.L. Mallory. 2020. Are phthalate ester contaminants in northern fulmar preen oil higher in birds that have ingested more plastic? Marine Pollution Bulletin 150: 110679.

276. Gutowsky, S. E., J. M. Hipfner, M. Maftei, S. Boyd, M. Auger-Méthé and M. L. Mallory. 20**. First insights into Thayer’s gull migratory and overwinter movement patterns along the Northeast Pacific Coast. Marine Ornithology, accepted.

275.  Cusset, F., J. Fort, M. Mallory, B. Braune, P. Massicotte, and G. Massé. 2019. Arctic seabirds and shrinking sea ice: egg analyses reveal the importance of ice-derived resources. Scientific Reports 9: 15405.

274. Christensen-Dalsgaard, S., T. Anker-Nilssen, R. Crawford, A. Bond, G.M. Sigurdsson, G. Glemarec, E.S. Hansen, M. Kadin, L. Kindt-Larsen, M. Mallory, F. Merkel, A. Petersen, J. Provencher, and K.M. Bӕrum. 201*. What’s the catch with lumpsuckers? A North Atlantic review of seabird bycatch in lumpsucker gillnet fisheries. Biological Conservation, in press.

273. Loder, A. L., R. Weeber, S. N. P. Wong, I. S. Spooner, and M. L. Mallory. 2019. Correlates of waterbody characteristics and the occurrence and diversity of larval amphibians in central Ontario, Canada. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 103: 571-578.

272. Dietz, R., R.J. Letcher, J.-P. Desforges, I. Eulaers, B.M. Jenssen, M.A. McKinney, C. Sonne, N. Basu,  B.D. Barst, J.O. Bustnes, J. Bytingsvik, T.M. Ciesielski, P.E. Drevnick, A. Haarr, K. Hylland, K. Pedersen, B. Styrishave, S. Tartu, S. Wilson, E. Andersen-Ranberg, R.

Dyrmose Nørregaard, G.W. Gabrielsen, M. Levin, J. Provencher, J. Aars, J.T. Ackerman, A.R. Asvid, R. Barrett, A. Bignert, E.W. Born, M. Branigan, B. Braune, C.E. Bryan, M.Dam, C.A. Eagles-Smith,  M. Evans, T.J. Evans, A.T. Fisk, M. Gamberg, K. Gustavson, I.G. Hallanger, C.A. Hartman, B. Helander, L.B. Helgason, M.P. Herzog, P.F. Hoekstra, M. Houde, K. Hoydal, A.K. Jackson, A. Jæger, J. Kucklick, E. Lie, L. Loseto, M.L. Mallory, C. Miljeteig, A. Mosbech, D.C.G. Muir, S.T. Nielsen, E. Peacock, S. Pedro, S.H. Peterson, A. Polder, F.F. Rigét, P. Roach, H. Routti, F. Samarra, H. Saunes, M.H. Sinding, J.U. Skaare, J. Søndergaard, G. Stenson, G. Stern, G. Treu, S.S. Schuur, J. Verreault, and G. Vikingson. 2019. Current state of knowledge on biological effects from contaminants on Arctic wildlife and fish. Science of the Total Environment 696: 133792.


271. Morrill, A.M., J. F. Provencher, H.G. Gilchrist, M.L. Mallory, and M.R. Forbes. 2019. Anti-parasite treatment has unexpected consequences for reproduction and survival in relation to Pb levels in the common eider Somateria mollissima. Proceedings of the Royal Society B,  

270. Foster, K. L., B. M. Braune, A. J. Gaston, and M. L. Mallory. 2019. Climate influence on mercury in Arctic seabirds. Science of the Total Environment 693: 133569.

269. Descamps, S., S. Benjaminsen, F. Ramirez, T. Anker-Nilssen, R.T. Barrett, S. Burr, S. Christensen-Dalsgaard, K.E. Erikstad, D.B. Irons, S.-H. Lorentsen, M.L. Mallory, G. Robertson, H. Strøm, Ø. Varpe, and S. Lavergne. 201*. Diverging phenological responses of Arctic seabirds to an earlier spring. Global Change Biology, in press.

268. Mallory, M. L., C. A. Anderson, B. M. Braune, I. Pratte, and J. F. Provencher. 2019. Arctic cleansing diet: sex-specific variation in the rapid elimination of contaminants by the world’s champion migrant, the Arctic tern. Science of the Total Environment 689: 716-724.

267. Robicheau, B.M., S.J. Adams, M.L. Mallory, G.J. Robertson, J.F. Provencher, and A.W. Walker.  2019. Diversity and keratin degrading ability of fungi isolated from Canadian Arctic marine bird feathers. Arctic, in press.

266. Mariash, H., M. Rautio, M.L. Mallory, and P.A. Smith. 2019. Experimental evidence of phytoplankton response to ornithological eutrophication in Arctic freshwaters. Biogeosciences, accepted.

265. Vestbo, S., C. Hindberg, M. Forbes, M. Mallory, F. Merkel, R. Steenweg, P. Funch, H.G. Gilchrist, G. Robertson, J. Provencher. 2019. A comparison of helminths in two Arctic subspecies of common eiders (Somateria mollissima). International Journal of

Parasitology 9: 184-194.

264. Avery-Gomm, S., T. R. Walker, M. L. Mallory and J. F. Provencher. 2019. There is nothing convenient about plastic pollution. Rejoinder to Stafford and Jones “Viewpoint – Ocean plastic pollution: A convenient but distracting truth? Marine Policy 106: 103552.

263. Lamb, J., P. Paton, J. Osenkowski, S. Badzinski, A. Berlin, T. Bowman, C. Dwyer, L. Fara, S. Gilliland, K. Kenow, C. Lepage, M. Mallory, G. Olsen, M. Perry, S. Petrie, J.-P. Savard, L. Savoy, M. Schummer, C. Spiegel, and S. McWilliams. 2019. Spatially-explicit network analysis reveals multi-species annual-cycle movement patterns of sea ducks. Ecological Applications 29: e01919.

262. Gutowsky, S. E., R. Ronconi, L. F. G. Gutowsky, M. Elderkin, J. Paquet, and M. L. Mallory. 2019. Winter habitat associations of purple sandpiper (Calidris maritima) and harlequin duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) in Atlantic Canada. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 222: 214-225.

261. Khan, J.S., J.F. Provencher, M.R. Forbes, M.L. Mallory, C. Lebarbenchon, and K. McCoy. 2018. Parasites of seabirds: a survey of effects and ecological implications. Advances in Marine Biology 82: 1-50.

260. Pratte, I., B. M. Braune, K. A. Hobson, and M. L. Mallory. 2019. Variable sea-ice conditions influence trophic dynamics in an Arctic community of marine top predators. Ecology and Evolution 9: 7639-7651.

259. Hargan, K. E., H. G. Gilchrist, N. Clyde, S. Iverson, M. Forbes, L. E. Kimpe, M. L. Mallory, N. Michelutti, J. P. Smol, and J. M. Blais. 2019. Multi-century perspective assessing the sustainability of the historical harvest of seaducks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 116: 8425-8430.

258. Dunnington, D. W., I. S. Spooner, M. L. Mallory, C. E. White, and G. Gagnon. 2019. Evaluating the utility of elemental measurements obtained from factory-calibrated field- portable X-ray fluorescence units for aquatic sediments. Environmental Pollution, 249:


257. Anderson, C. M., G. Gilchrist, R. Ronconi, K. Shlepr, D. Clark, D. V. Chip Weseloh, and M. L. Mallory. 2019. Wintering home range and habitat selection differs among breeding populations of Herring Gulls in eastern North America. Movement Ecology 7: 8.

256. Foster, K. L., B. M. Braune, A. J. Gaston, and M. L. Mallory. 2019. Climate influence on legacy organochlorine pollutants in Arctic seabirds. Environmental Science & Technology 53: 2518-2528.


255. Lu, Z., A. O. DeSilva, J. F. Provencher, M. L. Mallory, J. L. Kirk, M. Houde, C. Stewart B. M. Braune, A. Black, and D. C. G. Muir. 2019. Accumulation of substituted diphenylamine antioxidants and benzotriazole UV stabilizers in Arctic seabirds and seals.

Science of the Total Environment 663: 950-957.


254. Provencher, J. F., S. B. Borrelle, A. L. Bond, J. L. Lavers, J. A. van Franeker, S. Kuhn, S. Hammer, S. Avery-Gomm, and M. L. Mallory. 2019. Recommended best practices for plastic and litter ingestion studies in marine birds: collection, processing, reporting. FACETS 4: 111-130.

253. Mallory, M. L. 2018.  Northern fulmar. Pp. 421-424 In Birds of Nunavut (J. Richards and A. J. Gaston, eds.). University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, BC. 820 pp.


252. Tourangeau, J., J. F. Provencher, H. G. Gilchrist, M. L. Mallory, and M. R. Forbes. 2019. Sources of variation in endohelminth parasitism of common eiders overwintering in the Canadian Arctic. Polar Biology 42: 307-315.


251. Provencher, J. F., J. Ammendolia, C. Rochman, and M. L. Mallory. 2019. Assessing plastic debris in aquatic food webs: what we know and don’t know about uptake and trophic transfer. Environmental Reviews accepted.


250. Mallory, M. L., J. F. Provencher, S. N. P. Wong, C. A. Anderson, K. H. Elliott, A. J. Gaston, H. G. Gilchrist, M. Janssen, T. Lazarus, L. Pirie-Dominix, and N. C. Spencer. 2019. Identifying key marine habitat sites for seabirds and sea ducks in the Canadian Arctic. Environmental Reviews 27: 215-240.


249. Loder, A. L., I. S. Spooner, N. R. McLellan, J. Kurek, A. Hanson, and M. L. Mallory. 2019. Water chemistry of managed freshwater wetlands on marine-derived soils in coastal Bay of Fundy, Canada. Wetlands, accepted.


248. Anderson, C. M., S. Iverson, A. Black, M. L. Mallory, A. Hedd, F. Merkel, and J. F. Provencher. 2018. Modelling demographic impacts of a growing Arctic fishery on a seabird population in Canada and Greenland. Marine Environmental Research 142: 80-90.


247. Yurkowski, D. J., M. Auger-Méthé, M. L. Mallory, S. N. P. Wong, H. G. Gilchrist, A. J. Gaston, F. Gagnon, A. E. Derocher, E. Richardson, N. J. Lunn, N. E. Hussey, M. Marcoux, R. Togunov, A. T. Fisk, L. A. Harwood, R. Dietz, A. Rosing-Asvid, E. W. Born, A. Mosbech, J. Fort, J. Iacozza, T. M. Brown, K. H. Westdal, J. Orr, B. Leblanc, S. T. Kessel, P. Blanchfield, S. Davis, M. Maftei, N. Spencer, L. McFarlane-Tranquilla, W. A. Montevecchi, B. Bartzen, D. L. Dickson, C. Anderson, and S. H. Ferguson. 2019. Abundance and species diversity hotspots of tracked marine predators across the Arctic. Diversity and Distributions 25: 328-345.

246. Mallory, M. L., S. E. Davis, M. Maftei, D. T. Fife, and G. J. Robertson. 2018. Adult survival of Arctic terns in the Canadian high Arctic. Polar Research 37: 1,1537710.

245. Provencher, J. F., S. Avery-Gomm, M. Liboiron, B. M. Braune, J. B. Macaulay, M. L. Mallory, and R. J. Letcher. 2018. Are ingested plastics a vector of PCB contamination in northern fulmar from coastal Newfoundland and Labrador? Environmental Research 167: 184-190.

244. Braune, B. M., A. J. Gaston, and M. L. Mallory. 2019. Temporal trends of legacy organochlorines in eggs of Canadian Arctic seabirds monitored over four decades. Science of the Total Environment 646: 551-563.

243. Provencher, J. F., J. C. Vermaire, S. Avery-Gomm, B. M. Braune, and M. L. Mallory. 2018. Garbage in guano? Microplastics found in fecal precursors of seabirds known to ingest plastics. seabird faeces as a tool to monitor a pervasive environmental pollutant. Science of the Total Environment 644: 1477-1484.

242. Wong, S. N. P., C. Gjerdrum, H. G. Gilchrist, and M. L. Mallory. 2018. Seasonal ship activity risk to seabirds in Hudson Strait and off Baffin Island, Canada. Ocean and Coastal Management 163: 339-351.

241. Duda, M. P., K. E. Hargan, N. Michelutti, L. E. Kimpe, N. Clyde, H. G. Gilchrist, M. L.Mallory, J. M. Blais, and J. P. Smol. 201*. Breeding eider ducks strongly influencesubarctic coastal pond chemistry. Aquat. Sci., accepted.

240. Fife, D. T., S. E. Davis, G. J. Robertson, H. G. Gilchrist, I. J. Stenhouse, D. Shutler, and M. L. Mallory. 2018. Effects of climate on survival of an Arctic trans-equatorial migrant seabird. Arctic Science, in press.

239. Mallory, M. L., H. G. Gilchrist, M. Janssen, H. Major, F. Merkel, J. F. Provencher, and H. Strøm. 2018. Financial costs of conducting science in the Arctic: examples from seabird research. Arctic Science, in press.

238. Pratte, I., K. A. Boadway, A. W. Diamond, and M. L. Mallory. 2018. Changes in isotopic niches across stages of the annual cycle in the Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea). Arctic 71: 259-268.

237. Kickbush, J., M. Mallory, J. Rand, J. Murimboh, S. Klapstein, A. Loder, N. Hill, and N. O’Driscoll. 2018. The impacts of avian biovectors on mercury speciation in a wetland. Science of the Total Environment 637-638: 264-273.

236. Mallory, M. L., J. F. Provencher, G. J. Robertson, E. R. Holland, S. Klapstein, K. Stevens and N. J. O’Driscoll. 2018. Mercury concentrations in blood, brain and muscle tissues of coastal and pelagic birds from northeastern Canada. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 157: 424-430.

235. English, M. D., G. J. Robertson, L. E. Peck, D. Pirie-Hay, S. Roul, and M. L. Mallory.2018. Body condition of American black ducks (Anas rubripes) wintering in Atlantic Canada using carcass composition and a scaled mass index. Canadian Journal of

Zoology, accepted.

234. Hargan, K.E., E. M. Stewart, N. Michelutti, C. Grooms, L. Kimpe, M. Mallory, J.P. Smol, and J. M. Blais. 2018. Sterols and stanols as novel tracers of waterbird population dynamics in freshwater ponds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285: 220180631.

233. Loder, A. L., M. L. Mallory, I. Spooner, M. Turner, and N. McLellan. 2018. Nutrient availability reduced in older rural impoundments in coastal Bay of Fundy, Canada. Hydrobiologia 814: 175-189.

232. Hedd, A., I. L. Pollet, R. A. Mauck, C. M. Burke, M. L. Mallory, L. A. McFarlane Tranquilla, W. A. Montevecchi, G. J. Robertson, R. A. Ronconi, D. Shutler, S. I. Wilhelm, and N. M. Burgess. 2018. Foraging areas, offshore habitat use and colony segregation by incubating Leach’s Storm-Petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa in the Northwest Atlantic. PLoS ONE 13: e0194389.

231. Keogan, K., Daunt, F., Wanless, S., Phillips, R.A., Walling, C.A., Agnew, P., Ainley, D.G., Anker-Nilssen, T., Ballard, G., Barrett, R.T., Barton, K.J., Bech, C., Becker, P., Berglund, P.-A., Birkhead, T., Bollache, L., Bond, A.L., Bouwhuis, S., Bradley, R.W., Burr, Z.M., Camphuysen, K., Catry, P., Chiaradia, A., Christensen-Dalsgaard, S., Cuthbert, R., Dehnhard, N., Descamps, S., Diamond, T., Divoky, G., Drummond, H., Dugger, K.M., Dunn, M.J., Emmerson, L., Erikstad, K.E., Fort, J., Fraser, W., Gaston, A., Genovart, M, Gilg, O., González-Solís, J., Granadeiro, J.P., Gremillet, D., Hansen, J.,  Hanssen, S.A., Harris, M., Hedd, A., Hinke, J., Igual, J.M., Jahncke, J., Jones, I., Kappes, P.J., Lang, J., Langset, M., Lescroël, A., Lorentsen, S.-H., Lyver, P. O’B., Mallory, M., Moe, B., Montevecchi, W.A., Monticelli, D., Mostello, C., Newell, M., Nicholson, L., Nisbet, I., Olsson, O., Oro, D., Pattison, V., Poisbleau, M., Pyk, T., Quintana, F., Ramos, J., Ramos, R., Reiertsen, T.K., Rodríguez, C., Ryan, P., Sanz-Aguilar, A., Schmidt, N.M., Shannon, P., Sittler, B., Southwell, C., Surman, C., Svagelj, W.S., Trivelpiece, W., Warzybok, P., Watanuki, Y., Weimerskirch, H., Wilson, P.R., Wood, A.G., Phillimore, A.P., and Lewis, S. 2018. Global phenological insensitivity to shifting ocean temperatures among seabirds. Nature Climate Change 8: 313-318.

230. Seif, S., J. F. Provencher, S. Avery-Gomm, P.­­-Y. Daoust, M. L. Mallory, and P. A. Smith. 2018. Plastic and non-plastic debris ingestion in three gull species feeding in an urban landfill environment. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 74: 349-360.

2010 - present

2010 - present

229. Mariash, H., P. A. Smith, and M. Mallory. 2018. Decadal response of Arctic freshwaters to burgeoning goose populations. Ecosystems, in press.

228. Mallory, M. L., N. O’Driscoll, S. Klapstein, J. L. Verala, C. Ceapa, and M. J. Stokesbury. 2018. Methylmercury in tissues of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrhynchus) from the St. John River, New Brunswick, Canada. Marine Pollution Bulletin 126: 250-254.


227. Mallory, M. L., and B. M. Braune. 201*. Do concentrations in eggs and liver tissue tell the same story of temporal trends of mercury in high Arctic seabirds? Journal of Environmental Sciences, in press.

226. Provencher, J.F., Borrelle, S.B., Sherley, R.B., Avery-Gomm, S., Hodum, P., Bond, A., Major, H.L., McCoy, K.D., Crawford, R., Merkel, F., Votier, S., Reynolds, M., Hatfield, J., Spatz, D., Mallory, M.L. 2018. Seabirds. In World Seas, Volume III: Ecological Issues and Environmental Impacts. CRC Sheppard (ed.). Elsevier, Inc.; Cambridge, MA, USA; in press.

225. Loring, P., R. A. Ronconi, L. J. Welch, P. D. Taylor, and M. L. Mallory. 2017. Post-breeding dispersal and staging of Common and Arctic terns throughout the western North Atlantic. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 12(2):20.

224. Loder, A. L., M. L. Mallory, I. Spooner, N. McLellan, C. White, and J. P. Smol. 201*. Do rural impoundments in coastal Bay of Fundy, Canada sustain adequate habitat for wildlife? Wetlands Ecology and Management,

223. Mallory, C. D., H. G. Gilchrist, G. J. Robertson, J. F. Provencher, B. M. Braune, M. R. Forbes, and M. L. Mallory. 2017. Hepatic trace element concentrations of breeding female common eiders across a latitudinal gradient in the eastern Canadian Arctic. Marine Pollution Bulletin 124: 252-257.

222. MacDonald, R. W., and M. L. Mallory. 2017. The estuaries and passages of Canada’s Arctic Archipelago in a time of change. Pp. 194-199 in Tortell, P. (ed.), Reflections of Canada: illuminating our biggest possibilities and challenges at 150 years. Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, Vancouver, BC. 304 pp.

221. Nisbet, I. C., D. V. Weseloh, C. E. Hebert, M. L. Mallory, A. F. Poole, J. C. Ellis, P. Pyle, and M. A. Patten. 2017. Herring gull (Larus argentatus). The Birds of North America (P. G. Rodewald, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Retrieved from the Birds of North America Online:

220. Nau, G. S., A. D. Spares, S. N. Andrews, M. L. Mallory, N. R. McLellan, and M. J. W. Stokesbury. 2017. Body size, experience, and sex do matter: Multiyear study shows improved passage rates for alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) through small‐scale Denil and pool‐and‐weir fishways. River Research and Applications 33: 1472-1483.

219. Robertson, G. J., M. Tomlik, G. R. Milton, G. J. Parsons, and M. L. Mallory. 2017. Increases in the number of American black ducks wintering in Nova Scotia, 1970-2015. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management,

218. Kuletz, K., M. Mallory, G. Gilchrist, G. Robertson, F. Merkel, B. Olsen, E. Hansen, M. Rönkä, T. Anker-Nilssen, H. Strøm, S. Déscamps, M. Gavrilo, R. Kaler, D. Irons, and A. Below. 2017. Seabirds. Chapter 3.5 in State of the Arctic marine biodiversity report. Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna, Akureyri, Iceland. pp. 147-167.


217. English, M., G. J. Robertson, L. E. Peck, and M. L. Mallory. 2017. Agricultural food resources and the foraging ecologies of American black ducks (Anas rubripes) and Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) at the northern limits of their winter ranges. Urban Ecosystems 20: 1311-1318.

216. Dunnington, D. W., H. White, I. S. Spooner, M. L. Mallory, C. White, N. J. O’Driscoll, and N. R. McLellan. 2017. A paleolimnological archive of metal sequestration and release in the Cumberland Basin Marshes, Atlantic Canada. FACETS 2: 440-460. doi:10.1139/facets-2017-0004

215. Pratte, I., G. J. Robertson, and M. L. Mallory. 2017. Four sympatrically-nesting auks show clear resource segregation in their foraging environment. Marine Ecology Progress Series 572: 243-254.

214. Descamps, S., T. Anker-Nilssen, R. Barrett, D. Irons, F. Merkel, G. Robertson, N.G. Yoccoz, D. Boertmann, S. Christensen-Dalsgaard, K.E. Erikstad, M. Gavrilo, H.G. Gilchrist, A.L. Labansen, S.H. Lorentsen, M.L. Mallory, W. Montevecchi, A. Mosbech, B. Olsen, A. Petersen, J.-F. Rail, H. Renner, H. Strøm, G.H. Systad, and S.I. Wilhelm. 2017. Circumpolar dynamics of a marine top-predator track ocean warming rates. Global Change Biology 23: 3770-3780.


213. Pratte, I., K. A. Boadway, S. E. Davis, M. Maftei, and M. L. Mallory. 2017. Diet dichotomy between two migrant seabirds breeding near a high Arctic polynya. Royal Society Open Science 4: 160982.


212. Mallory, M. L., K. A. Boadway, S. D. Davis, M. Maftei, and A. W. Diamond. 2017. Breeding biology of Arctic terns (Sterna paradisaea) in the Canadian high Arctic. Polar Biology, doi:10.1007/s00300-016-2072-1.


211. Houle, K., M. D. B. English, J.-P. L. Savard, M. L. Mallory, J.-F. Giroux, and S. R. Craik. 201*. Food habits of flightless female American eiders (Somateria mollissima dresseri) in Quebec, Canada. Northeastern Naturalist, accepted.


210. Poon, F. E., J. F. Provencher, M. L. Mallory, B. M. Braune, and P. A. Smith. 2017. Levels of ingested plastic vary across species in eastern Canadian Arctic seabirds.  Marine Pollution Bulletin 116: 517-520.


209. Leblanc, N. M., D. T. Stewart, S. Palsson, M. F. Elderkin, G. Mittelhauser, S. Mockford, J. Paquet, G. J. Robertson, R. W. Summers, L. Tudor, and M. L. Mallory. 2017. Phylogeographic analysis of purple sandpipers (Calidris maritima) as revealed by mitochondrial DNA and microsatellites. Ecology and Evolution, accepted.


208. Gilg, O., L. Istomina, G. Heygster, H. Strøm, M. V. Gavrilo, M. L. Mallory, G. Gilchrist, A. Aebischer, B. Sabard, M. Huntemann, A. Mosbech, and G. Yannic. 2016. Living on the edge of a shrinking habitat: the ivory gull, Pagophila eburnea, an endangered sea-ice specialist. Biology Letters 12: 20160277.


207. Braune, B. M., and M. L. Mallory. 2017. Declining trends of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans and non-ortho PCBs in Canadian Arctic seabirds. Environmental Pollution 220: 557-566.


206. Provencher, J. F., A. L. Bond, S. Hammer, J. L. Lavers, M. L. Mallory, A. Trevail, S. Avery-Gomm, S. B. Borrelle, S. Kühn, E. B. Rebolledo, and J. van Franeker. 2016. Quantifying ingested debris in marine megafauna: a review of the history with recommendations to standardize approaches and enable global comparisons, techniques, metrics, and statistical approaches. Analytical Methods 9: 1454-1469.


205. Hargan, K. E., N. Michelutti, K. Coleman, C. Grooms, J. M. Blais, L. E. Kimpe, H. G. Gilchrist, M. L. Mallory, and J. P. Smol. 2017. Cliff-nesting seabirds influence productivity and sediment chemistry of lakes situated above their colony. Science of the Total Environment 576: 85-98.


204. Braune, B. M., R. J. Letcher, A. J. Gaston, H. G. Gilchrist, and M. L. Mallory. 2016. Trends and patterns of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in thick-billed murre eggs from the Canadian Arctic. Organohalogen Compounds 78: 216-219.


203. Provencher, J. F., M. R. Forbes, M. L. Mallory, S. Wilson, and H. G. Gilchrist. 2016. Anti-parasite treatment, but not mercury burdens, influence nesting propensity for late arriving individuals and those in poor condition. Science of the Total Environment 575: 849-857.


202. Provencher, J. F., M. R. Forbes, H. Hennin, O. Love, B. M. Braune, M. L. Mallory, and H. G. Gilchrist. 2016. Implications of mercury and lead concentrations on breeding physiology and phenology in an Arctic breeding sea duck. Environmental Pollution 218: 1014-1022.


201. Holland, E. R., M. L. Mallory, and D. Shutler. 2016. Plastics and other anthropogenic debris from freshwater birds in Canada. Science of the Total Environment 571: 251-258.


200. Cheng, W., L. Sun, L. E. Kimpe, M. L. Mallory, J. P. Smol, L. R. Gallant, J. Li, and J. M. Blais. 2016. Sterols and stanols preserved in pond sediments track seabird biovectors in a High Arctic environment.  Environmental Science & Technology 50: 9351-9360.


199. Spencer, N. C., H. G. Gilchrist, H. Strom, K. A. Allard, and M. L. Mallory. 2016. Key winter habitat of the ivory gull (Pagophila eburnea) in the Canadian Arctic. Endangered Species Research 31: 33-45.


198. Milton, G. R., S. A. Iverson, P. A. Smith, M. D. Tomlik, G. J. Parsons, and M. L. Mallory. 2016. Sex-specific survival of adult common eiders in Nova Scotia, Canada. Journal of Wildlife Management 80: 1427-1436.


197. Maftei, M., S. D. Davis and M. L. Mallory. 2016. Observations of heterospecific courtship at a high Arctic Ross’s Gull colony. Arctic 69: 341-345.


196. Pratte, I., M. Maftei, and M. L. Mallory. 2016. Nest usurpation by a common eider towards a sympatrically-nesting long-tailed duck. Polar Research 39:1597-1604.


195. Davis, S. E., M. Maftei, and M. L. Mallory. 2016. Migratory connectivity at high latitudes: Sabine’s gulls (Xema sabini) from a colony in the Canadian high Arctic migrate to different oceans. PLoS ONE 11(12): e0166043.


194. Mallory, M. L. 2016. Reactions of ground-nesting marine birds to human disturbance in the Canadian Arctic.  Arctic Science 2: 67-77.


193. Frederiksen, M., S. Descamps, K. E. Erikstad, A. J. Gaston, H. G. Gilchrist, K. L. Johansen, Y. Kolbeinsson, J. F. Linnebjerg, M. L. Mallory, L. A. McFarlane Tranquilla, F. R. Merkel, W. A. Montevecchi, A. Mosbech, T. K. Reiertsen, G. J. Robertson, H. Strøm, and T. L. Thórarinsson. 2016. Migratory connectivity of a declining seabird on an ocean basin scale: conservation implications.  Biological Conservation 200: 26-35.


192. Mallory, M. L., M. F. Elderkin, N. C. Spencer, T. A. Betsch, A. C. Russell, and P. L. Mills. 2016.  Diet of purple sandpipers (Calidris maritima) during the winter in Nova Scotia, Canada.  Northeastern Naturalist 23: 205-210.   


191. Braune, B. M., A. J. Gaston, and M. L. Mallory. 2016. Temporal trends of mercury in eggs of five sympatrically breeding seabird species in the Canadian Arctic. Environmental Pollution 214:124-131.


190. Peck, L. E., H. G. Gilchrist, C. D. Mallory, B. M. Braune, and M. L. Mallory. 2016. Persistent organic pollutant and mercury concentrations in eggs of marine birds breeding in the Canadian high Arctic. Science of the Total Environment 556: 80-88.


189. Provencher, J. F., M. L. Mallory, G. Mitchell, H. G. Gilchrist, and M. R. Forbes. 2016. Direct and indirect causes of sex differences in mercury concentrations and parasitic infections in a marine bird. Science of the Total Environment 551-552: 506-512.


188. Loder, A., M. L. Mallory, I. Spooner, C. McLauchlan, P. O. Englehardt, N. McLellan, and C. White. 2016. Bioaccumulation of lead and arsenic in gastropods inhabiting salt marsh ponds in coastal Bay of Fundy, Canada. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 227:75.


187. Pratte, I., S. E. Davis, M. Maftei, and M. L. Mallory. 2016. Aggressive neighbors and dense nesting: Nest site choice and success in high Arctic common eiders. Polar Biology 39: 1597-1604.


186. Shutler, D., M. L. Mallory, M. Elderkin, and J. D. McLaughlin. 2016. Cyclocoelid (Morishitium sp.) trematodes from an air sac of a purple sandpiper (Calidris maritima). Journal of Parasitology 102: 381-384.


185. Yannic, G., O. Gilg, H. Strom, A. Aebischer, C. Dufresnes, M. V. Gavrilo, M. L. Mallory, H. G. Gilchrist, R. I. G. Morrison, R. Sermier, and T. Broquet. 2016. Genetic and morphological sex identification methods reveal a male-biased sex ratio in the ivory gull Pagophila eburnea. Journal of Ornithology 157: 861-873.

184. English, M. D., G. J. Robertson, and M. L. Mallory. 2015. Trace element and stable isotope analysis of fourteen species of marine invertebrates from the Bay of Fundy, Canada. Marine Pollution Bulletin 101: 466-472.

183. Mann, E., M. L. Mallory, S. Ziegler, T. Avery, R. Tordon, and N. J. O’Driscoll.  2015.  Photoreducible mercury loss from Arctic snow is influenced by temperature and snow age.  Environmental Science & Technology 49: 12120-12126.

182. Yannic, G., J. Yearsley, R. Sermier, C. Dufresnes, O. Gilg, A. Aebischer, M. V. Gavrilo, H. Strom, M. L. Mallory, R. I. G. Morrison, H. G. Gilchrist, and T. Broquet. 2015. High connectivity in a long-lived, high arctic seabird, the ivory gull Pagophila eburnea. Polar Biology 39: 221-236.

181. Braune, B. M., R. J. Letcher, A. J. Gaston, and M. L. Mallory. 2015. Trends of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and hexabromocyclododecane in eggs of Canadian Arctic seabirds reflect changing use patterns. Environmental Research: 142: 651-661.


180. Pratte, I., M. D. Tomlik, T. A. Betsch, B. M. Braune, G. R. Milton, and M. L. Mallory. 2015. Trace elements in eggs of common eiders (Somateria mollissima) breeding in Nova Scotia, Canada. Marine Pollution Bulletin 100: 586-591.

179. Fife, D. T., I. Pollet, G. J. Robertson, M. L. Mallory, and D. Shutler. 2015. Apparent survival of adult Leach’s Storm-Petrels (Oceanodroma leucorhoa) breeding on Bon Portage Island, Nova Scotia.  Avian Conservation and Ecology 10: 2.

178. Mallory, M. L., B. M. Braune, J. F. Provencher, D. B. Callaghan, H. G. Gilchrist, S. T. Edmonds, K. Allard, and N. J. O’Driscoll. 2015. Mercury levels in feathers of marine birds in Arctic Canada. Marine Pollution Bulletin 98: 308-313.

177. English, M. D., G. J. Robertson, S. Avery-Gomm, D. Pirie-Hay, S. Roul, P. C. Ryan, S. I. Wilhelm, and M. L. Mallory. 2015. Plastic and metal ingestion in three species of coastal waterfowl wintering in Atlantic Canada. Marine Pollution Bulletin, accepted.

176. Mallory, M. L., C. Little, E. S. Boyd, J. Ballard, K. H. Elliott, H. G. Gilchrist, J. M. Hipfner, A. Petersen, and D. Shutler. 2015. Leucocyte profiles of Arctic marine birds: correlates of migration and breeding phenology. Conservation Physiology, accepted.

175. Maftei, M., S. D. Davis and M. L. Mallory. 2015. Confirmation of a wintering ground for Ross's gulls Rhodostethia rosea in the northern Labrador Sea. Ibis, doi: 10.1111/ibi.12261.

174. Mallory, M. L., L. Mahon, M. D. Tomlik, C. White, G. R. Milton, and I. Spooner. 2015. Colonial marine birds influence island soil chemistry through biotransport of trace elements. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 226: 31.

173. Braune, B. M., A. J. Gaston, K. A. Hobson, H. G. Gilchrist, and M. L. Mallory. 2015. Changes in trophic position affect rates of contaminant decline at two seabird colonies in the Canadian Arctic. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 115: 7-13.

172. Robertson, G. J., D. T. Fife, M. L. Mallory, and A. M. Calvert. 2015. Apparent and true survival of large gulls breeding in eastern Newfoundland. Waterbirds, 39: 278-287.

171. Spencer, N. C., H. G. Gilchrist, and M. L. Mallory. 2014. Annual movement patterns of endangered ivory gulls: the importance of sea ice. PLoS One 9(12):e115231. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0115231

170. Braune, B. M., A. J. Gaston, K. A. Hobson, H. G. Gilchrist, and M. L. Mallory. 2014. Changes in food web structure alter trends of mercury uptake at two seabird colonies in the Canadian Arctic. Environmental Science & Technology 48: 13246-13252.

169. Fife, D. T., G. J. Robertson, D. Shutler, B. M. Braune, and M. L. Mallory. 2015. Trace elements and ingested plastic debris in wintering dovekies (Alle alle). Marine Pollution Bulletin 91: 368-371.

168. Maftei, M., S. D. Davis, and M. L. Mallory. 2015. Assessing regional populations of ground-nesting marine birds in the Canadian high Arctic. Polar Research 34: 25055.

167. Ronconi, R. A., R. J. Steenweg, P. D. Taylor, and M. L. Mallory. 2014. Gull diets reveal dietary partitioning and ecosystem changes at a remote colony. Marine Ecology Progress Series 514: 247-261.

166. Petersen, A., D. Irons, H. G. Gilchrist, G. J. Robertson, D. Boertmann, H. Strom, M. Gavrilo, Y. Artukhin, K. Kuletz, and M. L. Mallory. 2015. The status of glaucous gulls Larus hyperboreus in the circumpolar Arctic. Arctic 68: 107-120.

165. Maftei, M., S. D. Davis, B. Huer-Koch, C. Gesmundo, M. L. Mallory, and R. Suydam. 2014. Quantifying fall migration of Ross's gulls (Rhodostethia rosea) past Point Barrow, Alaska. Polar Biology 37: 1705-1710.

164. Mann, E., M. L. Mallory, S. Ziegler, and N. J. O'Driscoll. 2015. Mercury in Arctic snow - quantifying the kinetics of photochemical oxidation and reduction. Science of the Total Environment 509-510: 115-132.

163. Clayden, M., L. Arsenault, K. Kidd, N. J. O'Driscoll, and M. L. Mallory. 2015. Mercury bioaccumulation and biomagnification in a small Arctic polynya ecosystem. Science of the Total Environment 509-510: 206-215.

162. Provencher, J. F., A. L. Bond, and M. L. Mallory. 2015. Marine birds and plastic debris in Canada: a national synthesis and a way forward. Environmental Reviews 23: 1-13.

161. Braune, B. M., A. J. Gaston, Robert J. Letcher, H. G. Gilchrist, M. L. Mallory, and J. F. Provencher. 2014. A comparative spatial analysis of chlorinated, brominated and fluorinated contaminants in thick-billed murres and northern fulmars from the Canadian Arctic. Environmental Research 134: 46-56. 

160. Provencher, J. F., A. L. Bond, A. Hedd, W. A. Montevecchi, S. B. Muzaffar, S. J. Courchesne, H. G. Gilchrist, S. E. Jamieson, F. R. Merkel, K. Falk and M. L. Mallory. 2014. Prevalence of marine debris in marine birds from the North Atlantic. Marine Pollution Bulletin 84: 411-417.

159. Mallory, M. L. 2015. Site fidelity, breeding habitats, and the reproductive strategies of sea ducks. Pages 299 to 324 in J.-P. L. Savard, D. V. Derksen, D. Esler, and J. Eadie, editors. Ecology and Conservation of North American Sea Ducks. Studies in Avian Biology, CRC Press, New York, 620 pp.

158. Mann, E., M. L. Mallory, S. Ziegler and N. J. O'Driscoll. 2014. Mercury photochemistry in snow and implications for Arctic ecosystems. Environmental Reviews 22: 331-345.

157. Braune, B. M., A. J. Gaston, H. G. Gilchrist, M. L. Mallory, and J. F. Provencher. 2014. A geographical comparison of mercury in seabirds in the eastern Canadian Arctic. Environment International 66: 92-96. 

156. Provencher, J. F., M. L. Mallory, B. M. Braune, M. R. Forbes, and H. G. Gilchrist. 2014. Mercury and marine birds in Arctic Canada: effects, current trends and why we should be paying closer attention. Environmental Reviews 10.1139/er-2013-0072.

155. Mallory, M. L., B. M. Braune, G. J. Robertson, H. G. Gilchrist, C. D. Mallory, M. R. Forbes, and R. Wells. 2014. Increasing cadmium and zinc levels in wild common eiders breeding along Canada's remote northern coastline. Science of the Total Environment 476-477: 73-78.

154. Provencher, J. F., B. M. Braune, H. G. Gilchrist, M. R. Forbes, and M. L. Mallory. 2014. Trace element concentrations and gastrointestinal parasites of Arctic Terns breeding in the Canadian high Arctic. Science of the Total Environment, 476-477: 308-316.

153. Gaston, A. J., M. Pelletier, C. Eberl, and M. L. Mallory. 2014. Incubation shifts of northern fulmars Fulmarus glacialis in the Canadian high Arctic determined by digital photography. Polar Biology 37: 261-267. 

152. Wong, S., C. Gjerdrum, K. Morgan and M. L. Mallory. 2014. Hotspots in cold seas: the composition, distribution and abundance of marine birds in Canada's three oceans. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans 10.1002/2013JC009198.

151. Gaston, A. J., K. H. Elliott, Y. Ropert-Coudert, A. Kato, C. A. Macdonald, M. L. Mallory, and H. G. Gilchrist. 2013. Modeling foraging range for breeding colonies of thick-billed murres Uria lomvia in the Eastern Canadian Arctic and potential overlap with industrial development. Biological Conservation 168: 134-143. 

150. Trefry, S. A., A. W. Diamond, N. C. Spencer, and M. L. Mallory. 2013. Contaminants in magnificent frigatebird eggs from Barbuda, West Indies. Marine Pollution Bulletin 75: 317-321.


149. Ganter, B., Gaston, A.J., Anker-Nilssen, T., Blancher, P., Boertmann, D., Collins, B., Ford, V., Garðasson, A., Gauthier, G., Gavrilo, M.V., Gilchrist, G., Gill, R.E., Irons, D., Lappo, E.G., Mallory, M., Merkel, F., Morrison, G., Mustonen, T., Petersen, A., Sitters, H.P., Smith, P., Strøm, H., Syroechkovskiy, E.E., and Tomkovich, P.S. 2013. Birds. Chapter 4 in Arctic Biodiversity Assessment. Arctic Council, Akureyri, Iceland.

148. Mallory, M. L. 2013. Ecological conditions and health of Arctic wetlands modified by nutrient and contaminant inputs from colonial birds. Chapter 49, Article 327063 in Finlayson, M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of wetlands: wetlands of the world (vol. 4). SpringerReference ( Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. DOI: 10.1007/SpringerReference_327062

147. Sizmur, T., J. Canario, T. Gerwing, M. L. Mallory and N. J. O'Driscoll. 2013. Mercury and methylmercury bioaccumulation by polychaete worms is governed by both feeding ecology and mercury bioavailability. Environmental Pollution 176: 18-25.

146. Mallory, M. L., S. A. Hatch, and D. N. Nettleship. 2012. Northern Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis). In The Birds of North America Online, No. 361 (A. Poole, ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology; retrieved from the Birds of North America Online:; doi: 10.2173/bna.361 

145. Robertson, G. J., D. A. Fifield, W. A. Montevecchi, A. J. Gaston, C. M. Burke, R. Byrne, K. H. Elliott, C. Gjerdrum, H. G. Gilchrist, A. Hedd, M. L. Mallory, L. McFarlane Tranquilla, P. M. Regular, P. C. Ryan, P. A. Smith, and S. I. Wilhelm. 2012. Miniaturized data loggers and computer programming improve seabird risk and damage assessments for marine oil spills in Atlantic Canada. Journal of Ocean Technology 7: 41-58. 

144. Stewart, E. M., N. Michelutti, J. M. Blais, M. L. Mallory, M. S. V. Douglas, and J. P. Smol. 2013. Contrasting the effects of climatic, nutrient, and oxygen dynamics on subfossil chironomid assemblages: a paleolimnological experiment from eutrophic high Arctic ponds. Journal of Paleolimnology 49: 205-219. 

143. Mallory, M. L., and M. R. Forbes. 2013. Behavioural and energetic constraints of reproduction: distinguishing breeding from non-breeding northern fulmars at their colony. Écoscience 20: 48-54. 

142. Mallory, M. L., and B. M. Braune. 2012. Tracking contaminants in seabirds of Arctic Canada: temporal and spatial insights. Marine Pollution Bulletin 64: 1475-1484. 

141. Ferguson, S., D. Berteaux, A. J. Gaston, J. W. Higdon, N. Lecomte, N. Lunn, M. L. Mallory, J. Reist, D. Russell, N. Yoccoz, and X. Zhu. 2012. Time series data for Canadian Arctic vertebrates: IPY contributions to science, management and policy. Climatic Change 115: 235-258.

140. Gaston, A. J., M. L. Mallory, and H. G. Gilchrist. 2012. Populations and trends of Canadian Arctic seabirds. Polar Biology 35: 221-1232. 

139. Mallory, M. L. 2012. Recovery strategy for the Ivory Gull (Pagophila eburnea) in Canada. Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series. Environment Canada, Ottawa. 26 pp. (+ cover)

138. Maftei, M., S. E. Davis, I. L. Jones, and M. L. Mallory. 2012. Breeding habitats and new breeding locations for Ross's gull (Rhodostethia rosea) in the Canadian High Arctic. Arctic 65: 283-288.

137. Frederiksen, M., B. Moe, F. Daunt, R. A. Phillips, R. T. Barrett, M. I. Bodganova, T. Boulinier, J. W. Chardine, O. Chastel, L. S. Chivers, S. Christensen-Dalsgaard, C. Clément-Chastel, K. Colhoun, R. Freeman, A. J. Gaston, J. Gonzalez-Solis, A. Goutte, D. Grémillet, T. Guilford, G. H. Jensen, Y. Krasnov, S-H. Lorentsen, M. L. Mallory, M. Newell, B. Olsen, D. Shaw, H. Steen, H. Strøm, G. H. Systad, T. Thórarinsson, and T. Anker-Nilssen. 2012. Multi-colony tracking reveals the winter distribution of a pelagic seabird on an ocean basin scale. Diversity and Distributions 18: 530-542. 

136. Foster, K. L., L. E. Kimpe, S. K. Brimble, H. Liu, M. L. Mallory, J. P. Smol, R. W. Macdonald, and J. M. Blais. 2011. Effects of seabird vectors on the fate, partitioning and signatures of contaminants in a High Arctic ecosystem. Environmental Science and Technology 45: 10053-10060.

135. Mallory, M. L., K. A. Allard, B. M. Braune, H. G. Gilchrist, and V. G. Thomas. 2012. New longevity record for Ivory Gulls (Pagophila eburnea) and evidence of natal philopatry. Arctic 65: 98-101. 

134. Mallory, M. L., K. A. Boadway, S. E. Davis, and M. T. Maftei. 2011. Breeding biology of Sabine's Gull (Xema sabini) in the Canadian High Arctic. Polar Biology 35: 335-344. 

133. Braune, B. M., S. Trudeau, D. A. Jeffrey, M. L. Mallory. 2011. Biomarker responses associated with halogenated organic in northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) breeding in the Canadian Arctic. Environmental Pollution 159: 2891-2898. 

132. Keatley, B. K., J. Blais, M. S. V. Douglas, I. Gregory-Eaves, M. Mallory, N. Michelutti, and J. P. Smol. 2011. Historical seabird population dynamics and their effects on Arctic pond ecosystems: a multi-proxy paleolimnological study from Cape Vera, Devon Island, Canada. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 179: 51-66.

131. Gaston, A. J., P. A. Smith, L. Tranquilla, W. A. Montevecchi, D. A. Fifield, H. G. Gilchrist, A. Hedd, M. L. Mallory, G. J. Robertson, and R. A. Phillips. 2011. Movements and wintering areas of breeding age Brünnich's Guillemot Uria lomvia from two colonies in Nunavut, Canada. Marine Biology 158: 1929-1941. 

130. Black, A., H. G. Gilchrist, K. A. Allard, and M. L. Mallory. 2012. Birds of the Hell Gate Polynya, Nunavut, Canada. Arctic 65: 145-154.

129. Foster, K. L., M. L. Mallory, D. Mackay, and J. M. Blais. 2011. PCB and organochlorine pesticides in northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) from a High Arctic colony: chemical exposure, fate, and transfer to predators. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30: 2055-2064. (+ cover) 

128. Fontaine, A. J., and M. L. Mallory. 2011. Detection and classification of land cover classes of Southampton Island, Nunavut, Using Landsat ETM+ data. Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper No. 119.

127. Mallory, M. L., and M. R. Forbes. 2011. Nest shelter predicts nesting success but not nesting phenology or parental behaviors in high Arctic northern fulmars. Journal of Ornithology 152: 119-126. 

126. Michelutti, N., M. L. Mallory, J. M. Blais, M. S. V. Douglas, and J. P. Smol. 2011. Chironomid assemblages from seabird-affected High Arctic ponds. Polar Biology 34: 799-812. 

125. Braune, B. M., M. L. Mallory, C. M. Butt, S. Mabury and D. Muir. 2010. Persistent halogenated organic contaminants and mercury in northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) from the Canadian Arctic. Environmental Pollution 158: 3513-3519. 

124. Foster, K. L., S. W. Wang, D. Mackay, M. L. Mallory, and J. M. Blais. 2010. A preliminary assessment of avian stomach oils: a vector of contaminants to chicks and potential for diet analysis and biomonitoring. Environmental Science and Technology 44: 6869-6874. 

123. Mallory, M. L., A. J. Gaston, H. G. Gilchrist, G. J. Robertson, and B. L. Braune. 2010. Effects of climate change, altered sea-ice distribution and seasonal phenology on marine birds. Pp 179 - 195 In: A little less Arctic: changes to top predators in the world's largest Northern inland sea, Hudson Bay (S. Ferguson, L. Loseto and M. Mallory, eds.). Springer-Verlag, The Netherlands.

122. Mallory, M. L., L. L. Loseto, and S. H. Ferguson. 2010. The future of Hudson Bay: new directions and research needs. Pp 291 - 303 In: A little less Arctic: changes to top predators in the world's largest Northern inland sea, Hudson Bay (S. Ferguson, L. Loseto and M. Mallory, eds.). Springer-Verlag, The Netherlands.

121. Provencher, J. F., A. J. Gaston, M. L. Mallory, P. O'Hara, and H. G. Gilchrist. 2010. Ingested plastic in a diving seabird, the thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia), in the eastern Canadian Arctic. Marine Pollution Bulletin 60: 1406-1411. 

120. Choy, E. S., L. E. Kimpe, M. L. Mallory, J. P. Smol, and J. M. Blais. 2010. Biotransport of marine pollutants to a terrestrial food web: spatial patterns of persistent organic pollutants adjacent to a seabird colony in Arctic Canada. Environmental Pollution 158: 3431-3438. 

119. Mallory, M. L., N. J. Karnovsky, A. J. Gaston, K. A. Hobson, J. F. Provencher, M. R. Forbes, G. L. Hunt Jr., T. Byers, and T. A. Dick. 2010. Temporal and spatial patterns in the diet of northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) in the Canadian High Arctic. Aquatic Biology 10: 181-191. 

118. Michelutti, N., J. Brash, J. Thienpont, J. M. Blais, L. Kimpe, M. L. Mallory, M. S. V. Douglas, and J. P. Smol. 2010. Trophic position influences the efficacy of seabirds as contaminant biovectors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107: 10543-10548. (+ cover) 

117. Wayland, M., D. J. Hoffman, M. L. Mallory, R. T. Alisauskas, and K. R. Stebbins. 2010. Evidence of weak contaminant-related oxidative stress in glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus) from the Canadian Arctic. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A 73: 1058-1073. 

116. Allard, K. A., H. G. Gilchrist, A. R. Breton, C. D. Gilbert, and M. L. Mallory. 2010. Adult survival of Thayer's and glaucous gulls nesting sympatrically in the Canadian high Arctic. Ardea 98: 43-50. 

115. Mallory, M. L., K. A. Boadway, J. J. T. Boadway, and J. A. Akearok. 2010. Breeding arctic terns kill lemmings. Arctic 63: 359-361. 

114. Choy, E. S., M. Gauthier, M. L. Mallory, J. P. Smol, D. Lean, and J. M. Blais. 2010. An isotopic investigation of mercury accumulation in terrestrial food webs adjacent to an Arctic seabird colony. Science of the Total Environment 408: 1858-1867. 

113. Akearok, J., C. Hebert, B. M. Braune, and M. L. Mallory. 2010. Inter- and intraclutch variation in egg mercury levels in marine bird species from the Canadian Arctic. Science of the Total Environment 408: 836-840. 

112. Mallory, M. L., S. A. Robinson, C. E. Hebert, and M. R. Forbes. 2010. Marine birds as indicators of marine ecosystem conditions: a case for gathering multiple proxies of marine bird health. Marine Pollution Bulletin 60: 7-12. 

111. Byers, T., A. Smith, and M. L. Mallory. 2010. Diet of black guillemots and northern fulmars breeding beside a High Arctic polynya. Polar Biology 33: 457-467. 

110. Brimble, S. M., K. L. Foster, M. L. Mallory, R. W. MacDonald, J. P. Smol, and J. M. Blais. 2009. High Arctic ponds receiving biotransported nutrients from a nearby seabird colony are also subject to potentially toxic loadings of arsenic, cadmium and zinc. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28: 2426-2433. 

109. Gaston, A. J., D. F. Bertram, A. W. Boyne, J. W. Chardine, G. Davoren, A. W. Diamond, A. Hedd, J. M. Hipfner, M. J. F. Lemon, M. L. Mallory, W. A. Montevecchi, J.-F. Rail, and G. J. Robertson. 2009. Changes in Canadian seabird populations and ecology since 1970 in relation to changes in oceanography and food webs. Environmental Reviews 17: 267-286. 

108. Michelutti, N., H. Liu, J. P. Smol, L. E. Kimpe, B. E. Keatley, M. Mallory, R. W. MacDonald, M. S. V. Douglas, and J. M. Blais. 2009. Accelerated delivery of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in recent sediments near a large seabird colony in Arctic Canada. Environmental Pollution 157: 2769-2775.

107. Mallory, M. L., A. J. Gaston, and H. G. Gilchrist. 2009. Sources of breeding season mortality in Canadian Arctic seabirds. Arctic 62: 333-341. 

106. Gaston, A. J., H. G. Gilchrist, M. L. Mallory, and P.A. Smith. 2009. Changes in seasonal events, peak food availability and consequent breeding adjustment in a marine bird: a case of progressive mis-matching. Condor 111: 111-119.

105. Brimble, S. M., J. M. Blais, L. E. Kimpe, M. L. Mallory, B. E. Keatley, M. S. V. Douglas, and J. P. Smol. 2009. Bioenrichment of trace elements in a series of ponds near a northern fulmar colony at Cape Vera, Devon Island. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66: 949-958.

104. Provencher, J. F., A. J. Gaston, and M. L. Mallory. 2009. Evidence for increased ingestion of plastics by northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) in the Canadian Arctic. Marine Pollution Bulletin 58: 1092-1095. 

103. Mallory, M. L., A. J. Gaston, M. R. Forbes, and H. G. Gilchrist. 2009. Factors influencing colony attendance by northern fulmars in the Canadian high Arctic. Arctic 62: 151-158. (+ cover)

102. Mallory, M. L., J. A. Akearok, and A. J. Gaston. 2009. Status of black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) colonies in the Canadian high Arctic. Arctic 62: 96-101. (+ cover) 

101. Mallory, M. L., A. J. Fontaine, J. A. Akearok, and H. G. Gilchrist. 2009. Harlequin Ducks in Nunavut. Waterbirds 31 (Special Publication 2): 15-18. 

100. Mallory, M. L., A. J. Gaston, M. R. Forbes, and H. G. Gilchrist. 2009. Influence of weather on reproductive success of northern fulmars in the Canadian high Arctic. Polar Biology 32: 529-538. 

99. Michelutti, N., B. E. Keatley, S. Brimble, J. M. Blais, H. Liu, M. S. V. Douglas, M. L. Mallory, R. W. MacDonald, and J. P. Smol. 2009. Seabird -driven shifts in Arctic pond ecosystems. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 276: 591-596.

98. Keatley, B. K., M. S. V. Douglas, J. Blais, M. Mallory, and J. P. Smol. 2009. Impacts of seabird-derived nutrients on water quality and diatom assemblages from Cape Vera, Devon Island, Canadian High Arctic. Hydrobiologia 621: 191-205.

97. Mallory, M. L., and M. R. Forbes. 2008. Costly pre-laying behaviors and physiological expenditures by northern fulmars in the high Arctic. Écoscience 15: 545-554. (+ cover)

96. Mallory, M. L., and C. D. Gilbert. 2008. Leg-loop harness design for attaching external transmitters to seabirds. Marine Ornithology 36: 183-188.

95. Mallory, M. L., M. R. Forbes, C. D. Ankney, and R. T. Alisauskas. 2008. Nutrient dynamics and constraints on the pre-laying exodus of high Arctic northern fulmars. Aquatic Biology 4: 211-223. 

94. Mallory, M. L. 2008. Incubation scheduling by northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) in the Canadian High Arctic. Journal of Ornithology 150: 175-181. 

93. Mallory, M. L. 2008. Marine plastic debris in northern fulmars from the Canadian High Arctic. Marine Pollution Bulletin 56: 1501-1504. 

92. Mallory, M. L., A. J. Gaston, M. R. Forbes, H. G. Gilchrist, S. Lewis, B. Cheney, and P. M. Thompson. 2008. Flexible incubation rhythm in northern fulmars: a comparison across oceanographic zones. Marine Biology 154: 1031-1040. 

91. Michelutti, N., J. M. Blais, H. Liu, B. E. Keatley, M. S. V. Douglas, M. L. Mallory, and J. P. Smol. 2008. A test of the possible influence of seabird activity on the 210Pb flux in high Arctic ponds at Cape Vera, Devon Island, Nunavut: implications for radiochronology. Journal of Paleolimnology 40: 783-791.

90. Mallory, M. L., J. Akearok, D. B. Edwards, K. O'Donovan, and C. D. Gilbert. 2008. Autumn migration and wintering of northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) from the Canadian High Arctic. Polar Biology 31: 745-750. 

89. Falconer, M. C., E. Nol, and M. L. Mallory. 2008. Breeding biology and provisioning of nestling Snow Buntings (Plectrophenax nivalis) in the Canadian high arctic. Polar Biology 31: 483-489.

88. Allard, K. A., M. L. Mallory, K. L. Wilcox, and M. R. Forbes. 2008. Prebasic moult initiation and progress in northern fulmars of the High Arctic: do moult and breeding overlap? Polar Biology 31: 181-188.

87. Latour, P. B., J. Leger, J. E. Hines, M. L. Mallory, D. L. Mulders, H. G. Gilchrist, P. A. Smith, and D. L. Dickson. 2008. Key migratory bird terrestrial habitat sites in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper No. 114. 

86. Mallory, M. L., I. J. Stenhouse, H. G. Gilchrist, G. J. Robertson, J. C. Haney, and S. D. MacDonald. 2008. Ivory Gull (Pagophila eburnea). The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology; Retrieved from The Birds of North America Online: DOI: 10.2173/bna.175

85. Mallory, M. L. 2007. Common Goldeneye. Pp. 110-111 In Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Ontario, 2001-2005 (M. D. Cadman, D. A. Sutherland, G. G. Beck, D. Lepage, and A. R. Couturier, eds.). Bird Studies Canada, Environment Canada, Ontario Field Ornithologists, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, and Ontario Nature, Toronto, ON. 706 pp. 

84. Mallory, M. L. 2007. Bufflehead. Pp. 108-109 In Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Ontario, 2001-2005 (M. D. Cadman, D. A. Sutherland, G. G. Beck, D. Lepage, and A. R. Couturier, eds.). Bird Studies Canada, Environment Canada, Ontario Field Ornithologists, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, and Ontario Nature, Toronto, ON. 706 pp.

83. Franken, R., and M. L. Mallory. 2007. Recovery strategy for the Ross's Gull (Rhodostethia rosea) in Canada. Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series. Environment Canada, Ottawa. 16 pp. (+ cover)

82. Robertson, G. J., H. G. Gilchrist, and M. L. Mallory. 2007. Colony dynamics and persistence of Ivory Gull breeding in Canada. Avian Conservation and Ecology 2: 8. [online] URL: 

81. Mallory, M. L., and M. R. Forbes. 2007. Does sea-ice constrain the breeding schedules of High Arctic northern fulmars? Condor 109: 895-907.

80. Braune, B. M., M. L. Mallory, H. G. Gilchrist, R. J. Letcher, and K. G. Drouillard. 2007. Levels and trends of organochlorines and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in ivory gull eggs from the Canadian Arctic, 1976-2004. Science of the Total Environment 378: 403-417.

79. Gilchrist, H. G., and M. L. Mallory. 2007. Comparing expert-based science with local ecological knowledge: what are we afraid of? Ecology and Society 12. URL: 

78. Mallory, M. L., J.D. McLaughlin, and M.R. Forbes. 2007. Breeding status, contaminant burden and endoparasites of northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) from the Canadian high arctic. Ibis 149: 338-344. 

77. Miller, E. H., J. Williams, S. E. Jamieson, H. G. Gilchrist, and M. L. Mallory. 2007. Allometry, bilateral asymmetry, and sexual differences in the vocal tract of common eiders (Somateria mollissima) and king eiders (S. spectabilis). Journal of Avian Biology 38: 224-233.

76. Mallory, M. L., J. Akearok, N. R. North, D. Vaughan Weseloh, and S. Lair. 2006. Movements of long-tailed ducks wintering on Lake Ontario to breeding areas in Nunavut, Canada. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 118: 494-501.

75. Mallory, M. L., H. G. Gilchrist, and C. L. Mallory. 2006. Ross's Gull (Rhodostethia rosea) breeding in Penny Strait, Nunavut, Canada. Arctic 59: 319-321. (+ cover)

74. Braune, B. M., M. L. Mallory, and H. G. Gilchrist. 2006. Elevated mercury levels in declining population of ivory gulls. Marine Pollution Bulletin 52: 969-987. 

73. Mallory, M. L. 2006. The northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) in Arctic Canada: ecology, threats, and what it tells us about marine environmental conditions. Environmental Reviews 14: 187-216. 

72. Mallory, M. L., A. J. Fontaine, J. A. Akearok, and V. H. Johnston. 2006. Scientific study, local ecological knowledge and the development of a marine wildlife area along eastern Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada. Polar Record 42: 1-12.

71. Mallory, M. L., G. J. Robertson, and A. Moenting. 2006. Marine plastic debris in northern fulmars from Davis Strait, Nunavut, Canada. Marine Pollution Bulletin 52: 813-815.

70. Mallory, M. L., A. J. Fontaine, P. A. Smith, M. O. Wiebe Robertson, and H. G. Gilchrist. 2006. Water chemistry of ponds on Southampton Island, Nunavut, Canada: effects of habitat and ornithogenic inputs. Archive fur Hydrobiologie 166: 411-432.

69. Mallory, M. L., H. G. Gilchrist, B. M. Braune, and A. J. Gaston. 2006. Marine birds as indicators of Arctic marine ecosystem health: linking the Northern Ecosystem Initiative to long-term studies. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 113: 31-48.

68. Gaston, A. J., M. L. Mallory, H. G. Gilchrist, and K. O'Donovan. 2006. Status, trends and attendance patterns of the Northern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis in Nunavut, Canada. Arctic 59: 165-178.

67. Mallory, M. L., C. Ogilvie, and H. G. Gilchrist. 2006. A review of the Northern Ecosystem Initiative in Arctic Canada: facilitating Arctic ecosystem research through traditional and novel approaches. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 113: 19-29.

66. Mallory, M. L., J. Akearok, and H. G. Gilchrist. 2006. Local ecological knowledge of the Sleeper Islands and Split Island: comparisons among individuals and previous studies. In: Climate Change: Linking Traditional and Scientific Knowledge (R. Riewe and J. Oakes, eds.) Aboriginal Issues Press. Pp. 304-310.

65. Gilchrist, H. G., J. Heath, L. Arragutainaq, G. Robertson, K. Allard, S. Gilliland, and M. L. Mallory. 2006. Combining science and local knowledge to study common eider ducks wintering in Hudson Bay. In: Climate Change: Linking Traditional and Scientific Knowledge (R. Riewe and J. Oakes, eds.) Aboriginal Issues Press. Pp. 284-303.

64. Mallory, M. L., H. G. Gilchrist, and J. Akearok. 2006. Can we establish baseline local ecological knowledge on wildlife populations? In: Climate Change: Linking Traditional and Scientific Knowledge (R. Riewe and J. Oakes, eds.) Aboriginal Issues Press. Pp. 24-33.

63. Stenhouse, I. J., H. G. Gilchrist, M. L. Mallory, and G. J. Robertson. 2006. COSEWIC Assessment and update status report on Ivory Gull (Pagophila eburnea) in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, Ottawa. 48 pp.

62. Mallory, M. L., B. M. Braune, and M. R. Forbes. 2006. Breeding and contaminant concentrations in northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis L.) from the Canadian high arctic. Chemosphere 64: 1541-1544.

61. Mallory, M. L., M. R. Forbes, T. D. Galloway. 2006. Ectoparasites of northern fulmars Fulmarus glacialis (Procellariformes: Procellariidae) from the Canadian Arctic. Polar Biology 29: 353-357.

60. Mallory, M. L., A. J. Fontaine, and H. Boyd. 2005. Breeding and non-breeding range of Canada (Branta canadensis) and Cackling Geese (Branta hutchinsii) in the eastern Canadian arctic. Canadian Field-Naturalist 119: 483-489.

59. Edwards, D. B., M. L. Mallory, and M. R. Forbes. 2005. Variation in baseline haematology of northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) in the Canadian high arctic. Comparative Clinical Pathology 14: 206-209.

58. Mallory, M. L., and M. R. Forbes. 2005. Sex discrimination and measurement bias in northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) from the Canadian arctic. Ardea 93: 25-36.

57. Mallory, M. L., and H. G. Gilchrist. 2005. Marine birds of the Hell Gate Polynya, Nunavut, Canada. Polar Research 24: 87-94.

56. Blais, J.M., L.E. Kimpe, D. McMahon, B.E. Keatley, M. L. Mallory, M.S.V. Douglas, and J.P. Smol. 2005. Tracing contaminants with ?15N measurements: response. Science 310: 443. 

55. Blais, J.M., L.E. Kimpe, D. McMahon, B.E. Keatley, M. L. Mallory, M.S.V. Douglas, and J.P. Smol. 2005. Arctic seabirds transport marine-derived contaminants. Science 309: 445. 

54. Gilchrist, H. G., M. L. Mallory, and F. R. Merkel. 2005. Can traditional ecological knowledge contribute to wildlife management? Case studies of migratory birds. Ecology and Society 10: 20 [online] URL:

53. Gaston, A. J., H. G. Gilchrist, and M. L. Mallory. 2005. Variation in ice conditions has strong effects on the breeding of marine birds at Prince Leopold Island, Nunavut. Ecography 28: 331-344. 

52. Mallory, M. L., B. M. Braune, M. Wayland, and K. G. Drouillard. 2005. Persistent organic pollutants in marine birds, arctic hare and ringed seals near Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut, Canada. Marine Pollution Bulletin 50: 95-104.

51. Gilchrist, H. G., and M. L. Mallory. 2005. Declines in abundance and distribution of the Ivory Gull (Pagophila eburnea) in Arctic Canada. Biological Conservation 121: 303-309. 

50. Mallory, M. L., B. M. Braune, M. Wayland, H. G. Gilchrist and D. L. Dickson. 2004. Contaminants in common eiders (Somateria mollissima) of the Canadian Arctic. Environmental Reviews 12: 197-218. 

49. Chardine, J. W., A. J. Fontaine, H. Blokpoel, M. L. Mallory, and T. Hoffman. 2004. At-sea observations of ivory gulls (Pagophila eburnea) in the eastern Canadian High Arctic in 1993 and 2002: indications of a population decline? Polar Record 40: 355-359.

48. Mallory, M. L., and A. J. Fontaine. 2004. Key marine habitat sites for migratory birds in Nunavut and the Northwest Territories. Canadian Wildlife Service Occasional Paper No. 109. (+ cover) 

47. Mallory, M. L., L. Kiff, R. G. Clark, T. Bowman, P. Blums, A. Mednis, and R. T. Alisauskas. 2004. The occurrence of runt eggs in waterfowl clutches. Journal of Field Ornithology 75: 209-217.

46. Mallory, M. L., M. Wayland, B. M. Braune, and K. G. Drouillard. 2004. Trace elements in marine birds, arctic hare and ringed seals breeding near Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut, Canada. Marine Pollution Bulletin 49: 136-141. 

45. Mallory, M. L., A. J. Fontaine, and J. Akearok. 2004. Status of the harlequin duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) on Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada. Wildfowl 54: 121-128.

44. Mallory, M. L., K. Woo, A. J. Gaston, W. E. Davies, and P. Mineau. 2004. Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) predation on adult thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia) at Coats Island, Nunavut, Canada. Polar Research 23: 111-114.

43. Mallory, M. L. 2003. Partial clutch loss in wood ducks nesting near Ottawa, Ontario. Wildfowl 54: 89-96.

42. Mallory, M. L., and H. G. Gilchrist. 2003. Marine birds breeding in Penny Strait and Queens Channel, Nunavut, Canada. Polar Research 22: 399-403.

41. Mallory, M. L., H. G. Gilchrist, A. J. Fontaine, and J. A. Akearok. 2003. Local ecological knowledge of ivory gull declines in Arctic Canada. Arctic 56: 293-298.

40. Mallory, M. L., L. A. Venier, and D. McKenney. 2003. Winter weather and waterfowl surveys in northwestern Ontario, Canada. Journal of Biogeography 30: 441-448.

39. Mallory, M. L., V. H. Johnston, and P. B. Latour. 2003. Striking a new balance: co-management of federal protected areas in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, Canada. Ch. 15 In Innovative governance - indigenous peoples, local communities, and protected areas (H. Jaireth and D. Smyth, editors). Ane Books, New Delhi, India. Pp. 295-313. 

38. Doka, S. E., D. K. McNicol, M. L. Mallory, I. Wong, C. K. Minns, and N. K. Yan. 2003. Assessing potential for recovery of biotic richness and indicator species due to changes in acidic deposition and lake pH in five areas of southeastern Canada. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 88 (1-3): 53-101.

37. Mallory, M. L., and A. B. Didiuk. 2002. Narwhal (Monodon monoceros) near western Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 116: 323-325.

36. Mallory, M. L., A. Taverner, B. Bower, and D. Crook. 2002. Wood duck and hooded merganser breeding success in nest boxes near Ottawa, Ontario. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30: 310-316.

35. Laberge, C., D. A. Cluis, M. L. Mallory, and D. K. McNicol. 2001. Rationalization of a regional network designed for trend detection of lake water quality in the presence of spatial correlation. Environmetrics 12: 41-56.

34. Mallory, M. L., H. G. Gilchrist, S. E. Jamieson, G. J. Robertson, and D. G. Campbell. 2001. Unusual migration mortality of king eiders in central Baffin Island, Nunavut. Waterbirds 24: 453-456.

33. Schalk, G., D. K. McNicol, and M. L. Mallory. 2001. Leeches in acidified lakes of central Ontario, Canada: status and trends. Ecoscience 8: 421-429.

32. Mallory, M. L., W. B. Rendell, and R. J. Robertson. 2000. Responses of birds to broken eggs in their nests. Condor 102: 673-675.

31. Eadie, J. M., J.-P. Savard, and M. L. Mallory. 2000. Barrow's Goldeneye (Bucephala islandica). In The Birds of North America, No. 548 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc. Philadelphia, PA. 

30. Mallory, M. L. 2000. The Black-headed duck (Heteronetta atricapilla) lays ordinary eggs. Wildfowl 51: 109-115.

29. Mallory, M. L., and R. Larivière. 1999. Wood duck (Aix sponsa) eats mink frogs (Rana septentrionalis). Canadian Field-Naturalist 112: 714-715.

28. Drover, S., B. Leung, M. R. Forbes, M. L. Mallory, and D. K. McNicol. 1999. Consequences of lake pH and aluminum concentration on developmental stability of the water strider Rheumatobates rileyi (Hemiptera: Gerridae). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 77: 157-161.

27. Mallory, M. L., and K. J. Metz. 1999. Common Merganser (Mergus merganser). In The Birds of North America, No. 442 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc. Philadelphia, PA. 

26. Mallory, M. L., D. K. McNicol, and R. A. Walton. 1999. Influence of intraspecific competition and habitat quality on activity budgets of breeding Common Goldeneyes. Ecoscience 6: 481-486.

25. Mallory, M. L., D. K. McNicol, D. A. Cluis, and C. Laberge. 1998. Chemical trends and status of small lakes near Sudbury, Ontario, 1983-1996: evidence of continued chemical recovery. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55: 63-75.

24. Jeffries, D. S., S. E. Doka, M. L. Mallory, F. Norouzian, A. Storey, and I. Wong. 1998. Aquatic effects of acidic deposition in Canada: present and predicted future situation. Revue des Sciences de L'Eau no special 1998: 129-143.

23. McNicol, D. K., M. L. Mallory, D. A. Cluis, and C. Laberge. 1998. Recent temporal patterns in the chemistry of small, acid-sensitive lakes in central Ontario, Canada. Water Air and Soil Pollution 105: 343-351.

22. Mallory, M. L., D. K. McNicol, R. A. Walton, and M. Wayland. 1998. Risk-taking by incubating common goldeneyes and hooded mergansers. Condor 100: 694-701.

21. McNicol, D. K., M. L. Mallory, G. Mierle, A. M. Scheuhammer, and A. H. K. Wong. 1997. Leeches as indicators of dietary mercury exposure in non-piscivorous waterfowl in central Ontario, Canada. Environmental Pollution 95: 177-181.

20. McNicol, D. K., R. A. Walton, and M. L. Mallory. 1997. Monitoring nest box use by cavity-nesting ducks on acid-stressed lakes in Ontario, 1987-1995. Wildlife Biology 3:1-13.

19. Scheuhammer, A. M., D. K. McNicol, M. L. Mallory, and J. J. Kerekes. 1997. Relationships between lake chemistry, and calcium and trace metal concentrations of aquatic invertebrates eaten by breeding insectivorous waterfowl. Environmental Pollution 96: 235-248.

18. Mallory, M. L., and D. K. McNicol. 1997. Movements on the nest during incubation by cavity-nesting waterfowl. Wildfowl 48: 127-134.

17. McNicol, D. K., M. L. Mallory, and H. S. Vogel. 1995. Using volunteers to monitor the effects of acid precipitation on common loons (Gavia immer) in Canada: the Canadian Lakes Loon Survey. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 85: 463-468.

16. Eadie, J. M., M. L. Mallory, and H. G. Lumsden. 1995. Common Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula). In The Birds of NorthAmerica, No. 170 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc. Philadelphia, PA.

15. McNicol, D. K., R. K. Ross, M. L. Mallory, and L. A. Brisebois. 1995. Trends in waterfowl populations - evidence of recovery from acidification. Ch. 16. In: Gunn, J. (ed.). Restoration and recovery of an industrial region. Springer-Verlag, New York. pp. 205-217.

14. McNicol, D. K., M. L. Mallory, and C. H. R. Wedeles. 1995. Assessing biological recovery of acid-sensitive lakes in Ontario, Canada. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 85: 457-462.

13. McNicol, D. K., B. E. Bendell, and M. L. Mallory. 1995. Evaluating macroinvertebrate responses to recovery from acidification in small lakes in Ontario, Canada. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 85: 451-456.

12. Mallory, M. L., P. J. Blancher, P. J. Weatherhead, and D. K. McNicol. 1994. Presence or absence of fish as a cue to macroinvertebrate abundance in boreal wetlands. Hydrobiologia 279/280: 345-351.

11. McNicol, D. K., and M. L. Mallory. 1994. Trends in small lake water chemistry near Sudbury, Canada, 1983-1991. Water Air and Soil Pollution 73: 105-120. 

10. Mallory, M. L., D. K. McNicol, and P. J. Weatherhead. 1994. Habitat quality and reproductive effort of common goldeneyes nesting near Sudbury, Canada. Journal of Wildlife Management 58: 552-560.

9. Mallory, M. L., and H. G. Lumsden. 1994. Notes on incubation and weight loss in common mergansers. Wilson Bulletin 106: 757-759.

8. Mallory, M. L., and P. J. Weatherhead. 1993. Observer effects on common goldeneye nest defence. Condor 95: 467-469.

7. Mallory, M. L., and P. J. Weatherhead. 1993. Responses of nesting mergansers to parasitic common goldeneye eggs. Animal Behavior 46: 1226-1228.

6. Mallory, M. L., H. G. Lumsden, and R. A. Walton. 1993. Nesting habits of hooded mergansers in northeastern Ontario. Wildfowl 44: 101-107.

5. Mallory, M. L., and P. J. Weatherhead. 1993. Incubation rhythms and weight loss of common goldeneyes. Condor 95: 1049-1059.

4. Mallory, M. L., P. J. Weatherhead, D. K. McNicol, and M. E. Wayland. 1993. Nest site selection by common goldeneyes in response to habitat features influenced by acid precipitation. Ornis Scandinavica 24:59-64.

3. Mallory, M. L., and P. J. Weatherhead. 1992. A comparison of three techniques for monitoring avian nest attentiveness and weight change. Journal of Field Ornithology 63: 428-435.

2. Metz, K. J., K. P. Prior, and M. L. Mallory. 1991. Do cattle egrets gain information from conspecifics when foraging? Oecologia 86: 57-61.

1. Mallory, M. L., and P. J. Weatherhead. 1990. Effects of nest parasitism and nest location on eggshell strength in waterfowl. Condor 92: 1031-1039.

Anchor 8


Common Birds of Nunavut is my first book written completely by moi, and I provide most of the photographs. Like the books above, the book was written for Grade 8 classes across Nunavut, and hence is translated into Inuktitut, bu the version shown here is the commercial version, available at Amazon and Indigo. Seabirds figure prominently in this book :)

This book is a collection of scientific papers on biota of the Hudson Bay region and the responses of those biota to a changing marine environment, largely driven by climate change. The book was supported by research that sprung from the International Polar Year in Canada. The book is published by Springer-Verlag and is available through standard book distributors.

Common Plants of Nunavut was written by my wife, Carolyn Mallory, and Dr. Susan Aiken. This book is part of a series produced in Nunavut for educational purposes, and was published with support from the Government of Nunavut Department of Education, the Nunavut Wildlife Management Board and the Canadian Museum of Nature. It is distributed to all schools in Nunavut so that all Grade 8 students have a copy to use. The book comes in English and Inuktitut, and a French version is also available.

Common Insects of Nunavut was also written by my wife, Carolyn Mallory. Despite their ecological importance, our knowledge of Arctic insects in Canada remains very limited. This book is not a field guide, but rather it describes the common broad taxa (often at the Order or Family level), their functional role in the Arctic, and includes some Inuit traditional knowledge on certain groups. This book is available through major book distributors such as Indigo/Chapters.

© 2015 Mark Mallory- Isabeau Pratte. Created with

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