Field work and Research sites

Max and Amanda ready for a boat ride -ALoder

Beaubassin reasearch station -ALoder

Beautiful Tantramar marsh -ALoder

Max and Amanda ready for a boat ride -ALoder
Beaubassin research station
Beaubassin Field Station (41.85 N, 64.28 W) is a facility jointly owned by Acadia University, Ducks Unlimited Canada and Irving Oil. It rests just west of the Nova Scotia / New Brunswick border, at the head of the Bay of Fundy, and in the Tantramar Marsh complex.

TBMU with gps logger -IPratte

MMallory below COMU cliff -IPratte

LPeck with GC4 and iceberg -IPratte

TBMU with gps logger -IPratte

Eastern Shore Islands -MTomlik

Great black-backed gull chicks -MMallory

Fog on the Eastern Shore -LPeck

Eastern Shore Islands -MTomlik
Gannet Islands
These islands are home to tremendous seabird colonies and are provincially protected in Newfoundland and Labrador. They have been the site of long-term seabird research and monitoring, and our lab is the most recent to join that research tradition. Work here is conducted in collaboration with Environment and Climate Change Canada.
Eastern Shore Islands
This field site has been a focal area for research on common eiders and other marine birds, and will be part of a major food web / contaminant transfer study starting in 2017.
Duck research
The lab has been very active since 2013 looking at diet, movement ecology and adult survival of several waterfowl and marine bird species in Maritime Canada.

Weighting an ABDU -DFife

Matthew English with an American black duck -MEnglish

Matthew and Liam Peck mesuring a ABDU -MEnglish

Weighting an ABDU -DFife
Nasaruvaalik Island
This is the High Arctic field station at which my team and collaborators have conducted research since 2007 on ground-nesting marine birds and their effects on local wetlands, as well as contamination levels in local biota.